half-timbered houses in Bacharach (バッハラッハの街並)

Bacharach's main street is one, but it has three names. It is called Oberstraße in the middle part of the town, but it is called Koblenzer Straße in the north side which leads to Koblenz, and also called Mainzer Straße in the south side going to Mainz.

A building of a former post office (Posthof) was on the Oberstraße. Hanging sign of horn, which symbolizes the postal service throughout Europe, was seen on the entrance. This post office dates back to 1724, and its carriage house and inn accommodated Bacharach's first VIP visitors including Victor Hugo. He described his accommodation,
At my window are cage full of birds; from the roof of my room, hangs and old-fashioned lantern; and in the corner is a ray of the sun imperceptibly, but gradually, advancing towards and old oak table. (from "The Rhine" by Victor Hugo)
It seems that the interior of the inn was very dark. The building was reformed after the post office was closed in 1987 and used as a restaurant.

An Ice-cream café recommended in several guidebooks was near the Posthof. We took out Riesling ice expecting grape ice cream, but in fact, it was wine gelato, and of course tasted exactly like Riesling wine full of distinctive acid flavor.

We continued strolling around having ice cream in one hand and a digital camera in the other. In the northern part of the town, we saw many timber-frame houses. One of them standing right across the street from the Church of St. Peter is called Altkölnischer Saal. The house was rebuilt as the way it was where the office of the Archbishopric of Cologne had stood until it was destroyed by French administration in 1810. The north side of the building, there was a house with red-painted frame built in the 14th century which is called Old House (Altes Haus). According to the guidebook, it is a famous wine restaurant in the town. In front, there was also a half-timbered building which used to be an old mint (Alte Münze). The town's official website explains that gold coin called gulten and silver coin called heller is minted in between 1356 and 1508 ordered by Elector of Palatine. This gulten, called Rheingulten, was minted and circulated in the commercial centre of the Rhine River Valley instead of Florence florin, the most-credible currency in Europe at that time. In the 15th century the standard of this currency was adopted for the Holy Roman Empire's Reichsgulden.

Although I only introduced three building, you will see more timber-framed houses everywhere in the town. Most of their ground floors were made of stone and their upper floors were half-timbered. It appeared to me that these medieval-style buildings created a feeling of old country side.

バッハラッハの目抜き通りは一つしかありませんが、名称は3つあります。町の中心部ではOberstraßeと呼ばれていますが、コブレンツに向かう北側ではKoblenzer Straße, マインツに向かう南側ではMainzer Straßeという名前で呼ばれています。

Posthofと呼ばれている旧郵便局が残っているのも、この通りです。建物の入口には、ヨーロッパに広まっていた郵便サービスのシンボルであるホルンのマークの看板が付いていました。郵便局の歴史は1724年まで遡り、その厩舎と配達人の宿泊施設だった建物には、当時は高名な宿泊客がその名を連ねていました。ヴィクトール・ユーゴー(Victor Hugo)も滞在客の一人で、滞在していた場所について
窓のところに小鳥でいっぱいの鳥籠、天井には奇妙なランプ、そして部屋部屋の隅には太陽の光がゆっくりとよじ登ってくる螺旋階段のある、レンブラントの絵画のような屋内 (『Le Rhin』から引用・訳(合っているか自信がないけれど))


左手にはジェラート、右手には小さなデジタルカメラを携えて散策再開です。通りを北に向かって歩いていくと、中世の木骨造りの家が見えます。Kirche St.Peterの隣にあるのがAltkölnischer Saalで、1810年、フランス統治下に取り壊されたケルン大司教区の執務室跡に建てられた建造物で、今はホテルになっています。その更に北側には14世紀頃に建てられた赤い木組みの家があり、Altes Hausと呼ばれています。ガイドブックによると、ここは地元ワインを揃えたレストランになっているそうです。また、Altes Hausの通りを挟んだ向かい側には、鋳造所(Alte Münze)跡が残っています。町のウェブサイトによると、ここではプファルツ選帝侯の命によって1356年から1508年の間、金貨と銀貨を鋳造していたようです。この鋳造所をはじめ、ライン流域で鋳造され交易で使用された金貨は、当時ヨーロッパ各国で最も信用度が高く広く流通していたイタリアのフローリン金貨よりも金の含有率が低いもので、当初ライングルテン(Rheingulten)と呼ばれていました。これは後に、神聖ローマ帝国通貨として採用されるようになります。



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