Cathedral Tower Climb (ケルン大聖堂南塔)
Comparing to the Treasure Chamber, visitors (especially younger people) would love to enter the South Tower. The tower is 158.31m high, and visitors able to go to the observatory just under the spire which is approximately 100m high. The lookout offers a wonderful view, so that it is natural that children and younger generations prefer enjoying the view rather than watching ritual objects that they don't understand what exactly they are.
The reason elderly people hardly try is that there isn't any alternatives to climb stairways on foot. We have to climb 533 steps to reach the lookout, and 509 of them are spiral staircase made of stone. They are so narrow that we hardly pass another on the stairs. Even though I'm no longer young, even if I don't like climbing stairs, even if I'm afraid of heights, I couldn't resist the panorama of Cologne. Yet, the way up wasn't as easy as I had expected.
While going up, I had to be aware of descending children and I felt rushed by who were climbing next to us (actually not, though). In the middle of stone steps were worn out and steep, so that I spontaneously leaned towards the centre. There were small windows on the stone wall, but I hardly saw any views. It was boring and exhausting as if it was spiritual and physical training offered by the cathedral. I appreciated that I had a company who encouraged me to keep climbing in my own pace.
The South Tower is a bell tower, and we were able to look at where several bells were placed in the middle of the climb. We couldn't see them properly because the largest bell called St. Petersglocke was under repair. I had thought it was for restoration, but in fact, it was waiting for installing a new clapper because it broke and dropped off in January, 2011. No wonder we didn't hear bells rang during our stay. According to the website, St. Petersglocke is 24t bell casted in 1923 and the largest freely-swinging bell in the world. It was produced that the strike note was C and its first overtone was E as designated. I listened to the bell on the website (it offers sounds of all bells in the cathedral) and it actually sounded really C and E. This C major bell ring sounded harmonious and happy, and I was very sorry that I couldn't hear the sound in Cologne. Local people calls the bell Decke Pitter (means “Fat Peter” in Cologne dialect), and I felt people in Cologne are still proud of the bell.
Getting back to the tower climb, the most difficult part for me wasn't the spiral staircase, but the 24 steps of steel-framed stairs leading to the observatory. Even though I understood it was firm and it had little steps, it was still scary to see the platform while climbing. Besides, my legs had been shaking because of fatigue. As he helped at a tower in Bacharach, I made it with my friend's help.
It was magnificent. It wasn't easy to enjoying the view because of many visitors and wire fences, but we overlooked the whole city helped by the location of the cathedral (which is on the highest point of the city). I didn't see any taller buildings in the city centre. Most buildings were modern, but some historical architectures like restored churches interspersed among them. I had been sceptical about the fact that Cologne is the fourth largest city in Germany before I saw the view, but I found it was undoubtedly large. The city view was completely different from what I saw the day before in small towns, but it was the same that the Rhine flowed slowly across the city.
A problem of the tower climb is that I have to descend same stairs to get out. The spiral staircase made me feel dizzy exhausted, and finally, I felt thirst. I thought, “I'm going to a Brauhaus when I reach the ground. Nothing could be tastier than a glass of beer after this tower climb.”
宝物館に対して、観光客、とくに若い人々に人気なのが大聖堂の南塔です。塔の高さは158.31 mあって、その尖塔の錐の元の部分、おおよそ100mの高さにあるに展望台にまで登ることができるようになっています。もちろん展望台からの眺めは素晴らしいのは想像に難くなく、子供や若い世代の人達が、見ても何が何だかよく分からない儀式具を見るよりも、街の景色を楽しむ方を好むのは当然のことといえるでしょう。
この南塔は鐘楼でもあり、途中で複数の鐘が設置されている場所を見ることができます。私達が上ったときは、最も大きなSt. Petersglocke(「聖ペテロの鐘」という意味)という鐘がなく、見てもあまり興味を引かれることがなかったと記憶しています。この時は単なる修復だと思っていたのですが、実は修理の最中だったのです。調べたところでは、私達が訪れる半年前、2011年1月に鐘の舌が下のフロアにまで落ち、そのため新たな舌を取り付ける必要があるとのことでした。どうりで滞在中、街に鐘の音が聞こえなかったわけです。大聖堂のウェブサイトによると、St. Petersglockeは1923年に納められた24tもある鐘で、世界最大のスイングベルだそうです。製作するときに鐘を打ったときの音がC(ドの音)、最初の余韻がE(ミ)の音になるようにという指定を受けて作られたそうで、録音された音を聞くと(ウェブサイト上ですべての鐘の音を再生できるようになっているのです)、確かにドとミの音でした。ハ長調のハーモニーはとても明るく調和が取れていて、ケルンの町中で聞くことができなかったのが残念なくらいです。地元の人はこの鐘をDecke Pitter(ケルンの方言で“太っちょピーター”といった意味だとか)と呼ぶそうで、住民がこの鐘に愛着を持っているのが感じられます。
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