Cologne Cathedral: Lady Chapel (ケルン大聖堂 その4: マリア礼拝堂)

The Lady Chapel (Marienkapelle), where the Milan Madonna is placed, has also has a famous painting. The painting, Alter of City Patrons (Altar der Stadtpatrone) is triptych painted by a German late Gothic painter Stefan Lochner. The reason of the title was that patron of the city (St. Ursula and St. Gereon) and the cathedral (Three Kings and Virgin Mary) was depicted in the altar piece. Saint Ursula was said to be a noble woman in Britain killed by Huns with other maidens in Cologne on their pilgrimage. In many paintings, she is portrayed as a beautiful woman shot by an arrow or having an arrow in her hand. On the other hand, Saint Gereon was depicted as a medieval soldier because he was said to be an ancient Roman soldier who for beheaded for detachment of the army refusing massacre with his companions. I certainly saw that he was portrayed as a man wearing armour and some other soldiers were depicted around him.

This altar-piece was originally for the Cologne's Town Hall chapel, but it was transferred to the cathedral when the chapel was deconsecrated in the early 19th century caused by French occupation. In other words, it was hidden from the French troops in order to prevent the confiscation, and scholar and art collector Ferdinand Franz Wallraf, whose name still goes down in the name of a renowned museum in Cologne (I will tell you about this person later in another post), was who incited people to the action. Since then, the altar-piece has been kept in the cathedral as a liturgical piece rather than a masterpiece of Lochner, and even today, mass is said at the chapel every day aside from services at the crossing in order to represent it as religious piece. I didn't see mass that day, but I saw it on the day I left Cologne.

Oh, I haven't told you about daily services at the cathedral. Tourists are able to enter the cathedral when mass is said, but they aren't allowed to step into where it is taken place and to take photos. During mass, a guy with a red robe keeps an eye on visitors not to enter the nave of chapels. Although they are local, they are called Schweizer (“Swiss” in German). They were named after Pontifical Swiss Guard of Vatican City, but as far as I saw, they are stouter and older than and real Swiss Guards. I imagined that they might be drinking beer every day.

内陣の右側に位置するマリア礼拝堂(Marienkapelle)にも有名な作品があります。15世紀の後期ゴシックの画家シュテファン・ロホナー(Stefan Lochner)がケルン市議会の礼拝堂のために製作された祭壇画で、『Alter der Stadtpatrone (Alter of City Patrons)』と呼ばれています。なぜ「町の守護者の祭壇」と呼ばれているかといえば、祭壇画を開いた時、中央には大聖堂が祀る東方三博士と聖母子、左には聖ウルスラ、右には聖ゲレオンというケルンの町の守護聖人達が描かれているからです。聖ウルスラは、言い伝えによると侍女と巡礼の旅の途中、ケルンでフン族に襲われ殉教したとされるブリタニア出身の女性で、絵画ではこの祭壇画のように矢を持っていたり、体に矢が刺さったりしていることが多いです。一方聖ゲレオンは、殺戮を拒み仲間と共に軍を離れた古代ローマの軍人で、首を刎ねられて殉教したと言われています。中世の軍人として描かれることの多い聖人だそうです。確かに右側の絵の男性は軍服を来て、後ろに仲間と思しき男性を連れています。

祭壇画は、19世紀のフランス統治の時代に市議会の礼拝堂が俗用化されるようになったときに、今でもケルン市内の美術館にその名を残す、学者で美術品収集家のフェルディナント・フランツ・ヴァルラフ(Ferdinand Franz Wallraf、この人の説明は別の機会にしようと思います)の進言で大聖堂に移されました。接収されるのを恐れてのことなのでしょう。以来、この祭壇画はロホナーの代表作である以上に、典礼に欠かせない宗教的な品として大聖堂に保管されています。その証拠に現在でもこの礼拝堂では、大聖堂のメインのミサとは別に、毎日欠かさずミサ行われているのです。この日、私達はミサが行われている場には出くわさなかったのですが、帰国する日の朝に大聖堂に入ったら、確かにこの礼拝堂でミサが行われようとしていました。



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