Cologne Cathedral: an eternal construction site (「永遠の建設現場」ケルン大聖堂)

The Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) was the one of historical architectures that I had wanted to visit for a long time. As it is a famous Gothic architecture listed as a UNESCO's World Heritage site, a large number of people visit there when they traveled Germany. Yet unfortunately, most Japanese package tours offer a short amount of time for sightseeing in Cologne. While I was staying the city, I saw many tourists came from somewhere taken by coaches in the morning, visited the cathedral and left the city out of nowhere. As a person who daringly chose Cologne and the surrounding towns to spend my precious holiday, I couldn't help feeling very sorry that they might miss many features of the Cathedral. Thus, I take this opportunity to explain how wonderful it was even though the blog posts become longer.

The Cathedral, officially called Hohe Domkirche St. Peter und Maria, is a Roman Catholic church and is the seat of Archbishop of Cologne. It is 144.58 m long, 86.25 m wide and its towers are approximately 157.3 m tall. It is one the largest Gothic church in the world.

On the current cathedral site, there were Christian monuments including a building regarded as the oldest cathedral from the 4th century, but it was after the 12th century when the cathedral had religious significance. In 1164, Holy Roman Emperor Fredrick Barbarossa (Friedrich I.) donated the relics of the Magi which had been taken from Milan to the cathedral. Since then, a large number of Christians made pilgrimage to the cathedral, which was at the time the second church built in the 8th century. Increase of the number of pilgrims brought fortune and authority to the Catholic Church and the Archbishop of Cologne, and also contributed the economical development of the city.

In the middle of the 13th century, however, the older cathedral was burned down. The cathedral required keeping the relic safe, and then it prompted the reconstruction of the building in the new style of Gothic architecture based on the some cathedrals in France. The construction of current cathedral building began in 1246 and it went well until the 15th century.

Yet, the Reformation and series of conflicts with neighboring countries caused the decrease of the number of pilgrims, and it brought the shortage of the fund. Finally, all construction works were suspended in the 16th century and the building had been abandoned for 400 years keeping the nave closed with a makeshift roof.

After experiencing the French occupation, the people in Cologne turned their eyes to the abandoned cathedral. Meanwhile the Romantic Movement emerged in Germany, and also it happened that the original plan for the façade was discovered. Prussia, who rewarded Rhineland at the Congress of Vienna, provided financial help to the resumption, and the work resumed in 1842. The cathedral was completed in 1880 because they utilized modern techniques for the construction although it based on the original medieval plan.

During World War II, over 95% of the city was destroyed by the Allied Forces, but the Cologne Cathedral held under the bombings. Damages during the War were repaired in late 20th century, but the building still needs continuous renovation for the damages caused by aging degradation. When I visited the cathedral, the top of the north tower, the bell cage in the south tower and paintings behind the choir were under restoration. It was disappointing not to be able to see these places, but I didn't think so any more after seeing restorers doing their job seriously. I understood that their works were very important to pass down this great heritage to the future.

今回のドイツ旅行の計画を立てる前からずっと、一度は行ってみたいと思っていたのがケルン大聖堂(Kölner Dom)でした。ユネスコ世界遺産に登録されている有名なゴシック建築なだけに、ドイツ旅行の際には多くの人が訪れる場所ですが、残念なことに日本の旅行代理店のパッケージツアーの場合、ケルン観光に割かれる時間は僅かしかないようです。私が滞在中に見たのは、朝、観光バスでやって来て大聖堂を訪ね、知らない間にいなくなっているたくさんの観光客の群ればかり。少ない有給休暇を利用して、敢えてケルンとその周辺だけを旅行した私からしてみれば、大聖堂の見どころを見落としたまま町を離れてしまう彼らは、本当にもったいないことをしていると言わざるを得ません。なのでここでは、ブログの内容がかなり長くなるのを覚悟しつつも、この建造物がいかに素晴らしいかということを紹介していこうと思います。

ケルン大聖堂は、正式名称をザンクト・ペーター・ウント・マリア大聖堂(Hohe Domkirche St. Peter und Maria)といい、ケルン大司教の司教座となるカトリック教会です。世界有数の大きさを誇るゴシック様式の教会建築で、縦幅は144.58m、横幅は86.25m、尖塔部分の高さは157.3mに及びます。

現在大聖堂が建てられている場所には、4世紀頃からキリスト教建築が建てられており、その中には最古のケルン大聖堂と言われている建物もありました。ですがこの場所がキリスト教圏の中で重要な位置を占めるようになったのは12世紀以降のことです。1164年に神聖ローマ皇帝フリードリヒ1世(Friedrich I.)がミラノから奪ってきた東方三博士の聖遺物を大聖堂に寄進しますが、それを機に多くのキリスト教徒がその聖遺物を拝みに、大聖堂(当時の大聖堂は8世紀に建てられた歴代二番目のものでした)へと巡礼に来るようになるのです。巡礼者の増加はカトリック教会とてケルン大司教に富と権力をもたらし、また同時にケルンの町の経済的な発展にも貢献することになります。






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