Cologne Cathedral: Chevet (ケルン大聖堂 その5)

In the Cologne Cathedral, a number of chapels are built along lines radiating from the apse (where the Shrine of Magi is placed) and horseshoe-shaped aisle is between the chapels and the choir. These areas are generally belongs to the apse in cathedral architecture. Such complicated shapes of apse is called chevet (“headpiece” in French), and it was designed for cathedrals built in the beginning of the 13th century in France, for example, Amiens and Beauvais. It means that the design of the Cologne Cathedral was designed under the great influence of these Gothic cathedrals in France.

This eastern end is one of the oldest parts of the cathedral. It was completed sometime around 1300, and presumably directed by the first master builder of the cathedral Gerhard von Ryle. At the very end, there is the one of the most important chapels. It is called Chapel of Magi (Dreikonigenkapelle) and its central double-lancet window was the oldest and the highest ranking window in the cathedral completed in 1260. On the window, the History of Salvation in the Old and New Testaments were depicted topped with images of the Christ and Mother of God.

There were 2 other stained glasses on both sides of the axis window. They were installed in 1330, and the right window depicted the Adoration of the Magi, and the left window depicted two saints, St. Peter (the Apostle) and St. Maternus (the first bishop of the Cologne Cathedral). We saw the significant motifs of the cathedral again at the chapel. Yet, it was hard to see who were depicted without reference. I was annoyed by symbols and attributes when I was learning European art history in the university, but I recognised that studying biblical attributes was crucial for studying European art. Seeing the window of St. Peter and St. Maternus, we can find a saint holding a key on his hand is St. Peter because he has a key (which represents one of the Keys of Heaven which he received from Jesus).

Even if you are not keen on the details, these windows are still worth watching. You will find the colours of the medieval glasses. It looked tinged with sunlight of long time and the faded colour solemnly depicted the works of God. Although I'm neither a religious person nor a Christian, they reminded me of the weight of hundreds years of history and people's faith. When I thought of it, the cathedral looked even more magnificent.


この大聖堂の東端の部分は、おそらく最初の棟梁であるゲルハルト・フォン・ライル(Gerhard von Ryle)が実際に監督をした部分と考えられる、大聖堂建設の中でも最初期に作られた部分で、1300年前後に完成したと考えられています。東端にある小さな半円のスペースが Dreikönigenkapelle(東方三博士の礼拝堂)です。その中央にある尖頭窓は1260年に完成した大聖堂で最も古い窓で、かつ大聖堂の中でも最も位の高い窓とされています。向かって左が旧約聖書、右が新約聖書の場面をモチーフにデザインされており、尖頭部分は聖母子とキリストが象られています。

この中央の窓の両側には、1330年に左右のステンドグラスはこの窓より数十年ほど後の時代のものです。左側は東方三博士の礼拝の場面を中心に聖人や預言者が、右側には二人の聖人が描かれています。二人の聖人は初代教皇としての聖ペテロと、ケルンで最初の司教を務めた聖マテルヌス(St. Maternus)です。ここでも大聖堂をが祀る聖人達が作品のモチーフになっています。ですが、ただ見るだけでは描かれているのが誰だかわからないのも事実です。大学にいた頃は何が何だかよく分かっていなかったけれど、こういうものを沢山見てみるて、ようやく西洋美術を理解するには聖書や神話上のシンボルを知る必要があるのだなということを認識できました。ちなみに聖ペテロと聖マテルヌスの図像の場合ですが、鍵を手にしている人のほうが聖ペテロです。鍵の図像はイエスからペテロに渡された天国の鍵を示すのだとか。



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