Cologne Cathedral: at the choir and the apse (ケルン大聖堂 その3)
Generally speaking, the east area of churches is very important and we are able to see many significant figures there. When I visited the cathedral, I didn't see many things placed in the chancel because some screens on the back wall of the choir stalls were under restoration. I couldn't see not only screens, but choir stalls built in the Middle Age since scaffolds cut off our view. I thought I should have had opera glass or something in order to observe from distance.
The most significant works in the cathedral, the Shrine of the Magi is placed the east end of the chancel. I couldn't see it properly when I saw it from the crossing, but I was able to see it in a glass case from the choir aisle. I couldn't study closely, but still I was happy to see the luxurious large treasure of the cathedral.
It was a basilica-shaped golden reliquary (a container of relic, the part of a deceased holy person's body or belongings preserved for veneration) made of wood decorated with gold and silver overlay, enamels, cameos, jewels and beads. This largest reliquary in the Middle Age was made after the relic was brought to the cathedral and completed in 1225. Scenes from the history of salvation were depicted on the shrine, and it is said that a famous goldsmith Nicholas of Verdun designed the part of it.
However, what makes this container significant wasn't the artistic value, but things inside the reliquary. It is said that it contains bones of the Biblical Magi, also called as Three Kings, who visited Jesus after his birth. Originally, the relic was placed in Constantinople and brought to Milan in the 4th century. Later, as I little mentioned previously, Fredrick Barbarossa took it by force and brought to Cologne in the 12th century.
There are other sculptures worth watching at the choir aisle. One is a sculpture of crucified Jesus placed in the north side. The cross is called Gero Crucifix (Gero-Kreuz) named after an Archbishop of Cologne who donated it in the 10th century and it is the one of the oldest sculpture depicting crucified Jesus. I saw Christ slumped yet looked peaceful as if he was sleeping. According to some descriptions about the sculpture, these are characteristic features of Ottonian and Romanesque crucifixions. (We see Jesus holds his head erected and looks straight forward in earlier works, and in later period, the expression looked more anguished.) The cross originally stood at the centre of the old cathedral, and interestingly, this cross and a sculpture of Madonna named Milan Madonna were specially venerated as they have miraculous powers. We are able to see the Madonna at the Lady Chapel (Marienkapelle) situated the south side of the choir aisle. Yet, it was the replacement because the original brought from Milan with the relic of the Magi was burnt with the old cathedral.
Nevertheless, these two sculptures looked trivial comparing to the golden shrine. Maybe I wouldn't have cared if some tourists had been taking photos of them. Still embarrassingly, I hadn't noticed the significance before reading about them on the official website of the Cologne Cathedral. I slightly regretted that I hadn't read the contents in detail before I visited the cathedral. But anyway, the website was remarkable because almost every figure in the cathedral is introduced with a location and beautiful photos. I recommend you to check them out before visiting.
これはバジリカ(古いキリスト教聖堂)の形をした黄金の棺(聖遺物を入れた容器;ちなみに聖遺物とはキリストおよび諸聖人にまつわる遺品や遺体の一部が信仰の対象として保管されたもの)です。木製で、周囲には金・銀が貼られ、カメオや宝石・ビーズ等で装飾が施されています。この、中世で最も大きな聖遺物容器は、大聖堂に聖遺物がもたらされた後に製作されたもので、1225年に完成しています。棺にはキリストの生涯のいくつかの場面が描写されており、有名な金細工師ニコラ・ド・ヴェルダン(Nicolas de Verdun)も製作に関わっているとされています。
ですがこの棺が重要である所以は、その美術的価値ではなく、あくまでも容器の中に入っているものにあります。ここには、新約聖書にイエスの誕生を祝いにやってきた東方三博士の骨が納められていると言われているのです。元々この聖遺物はコンスタンティノープルにあり、4世紀にミラノに移されました。それが12世紀になってケルンにもたらされたのは、イタリアで影響力を行使しようとした神聖ローマ皇帝フリードリヒ1世(Friedrich I.)がミラノの教会から強奪してきたからです。
この聖遺物以外にも、内陣を囲む回廊には見る価値のある彫刻があります。一つは回廊北側にある十字架に架けられたキリスト像です。この彫像を献呈した10世紀末のケルン大司教の名前にちなんでGero-Kreuz (Geroの十字架)と呼ばれているものですが、磔刑に処されたキリスト像としては最古のものの一つだそうです。実際に見てみると、このうなだれたキリスト像の表情は、眠っているのではないかというほど静かなものであることがわかります。いくつかの解説によると、これはオットー朝およびロマネスク時期の磔刑図としては特徴的なものだそうです(これより前の時代だとキリストの顔は真直ぐ前を向いていて、この後の時代になると、顔の表情が苦しみに満ちた感じになっていくとか)。この十字架は旧大聖堂では中央に安置されており、面白いことに、この彫像とMilan Madonna(ミラノのマドンナ)と呼ばれる聖母マリア像には不思議な力があるとされて崇められたそうです。今でも大聖堂の回廊南側にある礼拝堂、Marienkapelleでこの像を見ることができますが、実はこれはオリジナルではありません。東方三博士の聖遺物と一緒にもたらされた彫像は旧大聖堂が火災に見舞われたときに建物と一緒に焼失したそうです。
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