A Winery in Bacharach (バッハラッハのワイナリー)

I was likely to forget all about the time while I was seeing the magnificent view, but my stomach reminded me of time to eat. Lunch time had already passed. We quickly descended from the top of the tower and went back to the centre of the town in order to have our late lunch.

We had decided where to go. It was a restaurant of a family-run winery called Weingut Karl Heidrich, which looked lovely when I saw it on TV. I took more interests in their wine since I have accidentally seen their vineyards on our way to the Postenturm.

I have already written on my blog that Mittelrhein is one of major wine regions in Germany. Additionally, vineyards of the region are small (approximately 460 hectares), so that wines produced in this region hardly ever seen on export markets and seem to be rather unknown even inside Germany. Most Mittelrhein's wine is produced on the east bank of the Rhine, and it is divided in two districts, which is called Bereiche in German, in terms of wine classification. The north area which is situated in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen) is called Siebensbirge, and the south area which belongs to the state of Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz) is called Lorelei. Only 3 areas, Boppard, Oberwesel and Bacharach, are known as defined vineyard sites on the west bank of the river. In Bacharach, there are 3 defined sites (technically, such areas are called Einzellagen and defined as the smallest unit of vineyards sites by German wine laws); Hahn (situated in the north side of the town), Posten (located in the north of the town wall where the Postenturm stands) and Wolfshöle (the largest in 3 located in the west of Posten area.)

Since the restaurant was on the Oberstraße, we stopped at the tourist information next to the Posthof in order to ask departure time of trains to Koblenz. When I asked, a woman gave me a sheet of time table. I was little surprised that Deutche Bahn distributed sheets of timetable even in a small town like Bacharach. Of course, it was very convenient for us to make sure the departure time easily.

Weingut Karl Heidrich was in the middle of the street, very centre of the town. No one was there when we entered the restaurant. I told a woman who came from a room in the back that we would like to have some wine with something to eat. She said sure and let us choose a table. We are seated on the patio between the restaurant and the wine shop. Tables were covered with red tablecloths, planters of red flowers were the around, and vines crept up the old building. As I had expected, it was lovely.

The restaurant offers variety of wine carousels of 6 wines and bread. We chose the selection of dry wines and a bottle of water, and also I ordered home-made sausage marinade. The carousels consists of 1 glass of Müller-Thurgau, 4 glasses of Riesling and a glass of red wine made from Pinot Noir. One of them was made from Riesling grown in their vineyard in Posten that we had walked through, and the other white grapes were grown in Wolfshöle. Each glass has a scale marked in 0.1l and wine was poured to the mark.

We had some different classifications of Rieslings, but they all had particular quality of the variety. They didn't have strong bouquet, but they had delicate flavour and acidity. Wine made from Riesling grown in Steel-blue slate, which is called Blauschiefer Riesling (it seems), especially had a mineral flavour. All of them suited our taste.

I noticed that drinking 6 glasses of wine was nearly the same to have the bottle when I got tipsy. I looked up the sky for getting rid of my sleepiness, and then I noticed at first the Stahleck Castle (Burg Stahleck) seen over the roofs of the town.


行先は決まっていました。Weingut Karl Heidrichという、家族経営のワイナリーのレストランです。旅行前に偶々テレビの旅番組で見て、店の様子ががとても可愛らしかったので、是非立寄ってみたいと思っていたのです。しかも塔に行く途中に歩いた畑がこのワイナリーの畑だったということもあって、ここに来てから尚更のこと、ここのワインに興味を持ったのでした。

ミッテルライン(Mittelrhein)については、既にこのブログで地域指定優良ワインの特定生産地帯だということは説明していますが、更に付け加えるなら、この地域の作付面積は非常に狭く(約460haとのこと)、そのためこの地域のワインは国外市場で扱われることはほとんどなく、またドイツ国内でもあまり知られていないようです。この地域ではブドウは二つの州をまたいで川の東側で生産されており、南側ラインラント=プファルツ州(Rheinland-Pfaltz)のベライヒ(Bereiche, 生産地区のこと)をローレライ(Lorelei)、ノルトライン=ヴェストファーレン州(Nordrhein-Westfalen)のベライヒはジーベンスビルゲ(Siebensbirge)と呼ばれています。ライン川の西側で生産しているのは、ボッパルトとオーバーヴェーゼル、そしてこのバッハラッハだけです。そのうちバッハラッハではHahn(町の北側) 、Posten (市街地のすぐ北、まさしくPostenturmのある辺り)、Wolfshöhle(Postenの西側で一番面積が広い)の三か所の畑がドイツのワイン法で認定されているようです。


Weingut Karl Heidrichは通りの半ばあたり、まさしく町の中心部にあります。私達が訪ねたときには客の姿はありませんでした。奥から出てきた若い女性に、ワインをいくつか飲むついでに食事もしたいと告げると、どこでも好きなテーブルにどうぞ、と言われました。私達はレストランの建物とこのワイナリーのワインショップの間にあるテラス席を選ぶことにしました。赤いテーブルクロスのかかったいくつかのテーブル、周辺には赤い花の咲いたプランター、そして建物の壁にはブドウの蔦が絡まっています。想像通りの可愛らしい佇まいです。


飲んだリースリングは、どんな格付けがされていてもブドウ品種独特の風味がありました。それほど強く香りはりないのですが、繊細な味と酸味を感じます。特に青色粘板岩の土壌で育ったというリースリング(Blauschiefer Rieslingというらしいです)には明らかにミネラルを感じさせられました。どれも自分の口に合うワインでした。



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