On the way home: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (帰路の寄り道: アムステルダム国立美術館)
We had moved to another hotel nearer to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport the day before. I had to leave Helsinki very early in the morning.
I didn't notice when I flew from Oslo that the airport had 2 terminals. Luckily, I found KLM's logo on a board stood in front of terminal building from a bus that we had got, so that I got off at the first station, which was terminal 2, immediately. Many people were in the terminal although it was before 6 o'clock in the morning. My friend struggled with a nasty check-in machine while I was standing in a line of baggage check-in.
The reason we took an early flight to Amsterdam was making a short visit to Amsterdam. My friend suggested me to go as she had been there and thought it must be fun to look around the city even thought we didn't have much time. Yet, I was too lazy to visit many places, so that I had asked her to take all my time in Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. I wasn't interested in Dutch paintings very much, but I was curious about Rembrandt since when I saw a TV programme broadcasted on NHK almost a year ago. It is Rembrandt's J'Accuse produced by British film director Peter Greenaway, who also made the film about the Rembrandt's Night Watch.
Thus, 2.5 hour later when I left Helsinki, we arrived at the museum in Amsterdam. The museum main building has been under renovation, and now visitors can only see the selected masterpieces at the Philips Wing in the museum.
Although my intention was on Rembrandt at first, “The Masterpieces” (which is the name of special exhibition showing the selected collection during the restoration) was far more interesting than I imagined.
Not only the Golden Age Painting, but artifacts such as ceramics, tableware and doll houses were interesting enough to show us the history of Netherland's prosperity. I was especially interested in bottles in a cabinet which have the monogram of Dutch East India Company (VOC) were on. I recalled that only Netherlands maintained the trade with Tokugawa Shogunate when I saw it. The exhibition was well-organized. Each commentary was specific and fun to read, so that I understand how remarkable they were even though I wasn't basically interested.
However, I could tell that the most impressive part in the museum was Rembrandt. works. As I studied little about his works before I went, it seemed to me that every his paintings were more brilliant. Night Watch was of course wonderful and drew many people's attention, but I found that I personally prefer his later works rather than this masterpiece. They are more tranquil and intimate than his earlier paintings and such feeling made me think of the motif and the background.
I stayed there for 2 hours, and then we had lunch at a café in the city centre. Amsterdam looked more sophisticated than the cities in Scandinavian countries. I realised I was in Western Europe when I saw galleries, bookshops and othrer retail shops around the café.
I went back to Schiphol Airport in the afternoon. I didn't notice in the city centre, football uniforms and goods of Netherland were sold in everywhere in the airport. The World Cup has just begun the day before and many people in the airport looked fascinated about the matches on TV. I wasn't interested that much, though. I just looked for a kind of vestige of Scandinavia in large hub airport in Western Europe before the gate opened.
私達がアムステルダム行きの早い便を選んだのは、早く行ってアムステルダム市内を少し観光するためでした。友人は一度行ったことがあって、それで時間が少ししかなくても市内を見たらきっと楽しいだろうと誘ってくれたのです。ただ、私はたくさんの場所を観光するほどの元気がない人間なので、空いている時間を使ってアムステルダム国立美術館(Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) にだけ行きたいのだけれど、とお願いしたのです。そんなにオランダ絵画には興味がなかったのですが、NHKで放送していたドキュメンタリーを見てレンブラント(Rembrandt)のことが気になるようになりました。「レンブラントの告発: 名画「夜警」に隠された31の秘密」という番組で、はイギリスの映画監督ピーター・グリーナウェイが制作に関わっています。監督はレンブラントの「夜警」について描いた映画(『レンブラントの夜警
当初はレンブラントにしか興味がなかったのですが、The Masterpieces と銘打った改装中に公開しているコレクションは、想像以上に興味深いモノでした。
オランダ黄金時代の絵画に限らず、陶器、食器やドールハウスなどの工芸品もオランダの繁栄の歴史をうかがわせるに十分なものばかりです。私はその中でも特に、特にオランダ東インド会社のロゴが入っている陶器のボトルとそのケース に関心を持ちました。こんなところに来て、改めて江戸幕府と唯一交易を許されていたのがオランダであったことを思い起こしたのです。展示の構成はすばらしく、どの解説も的確で読んでも面白く、そのため、当初はあまり興味がなかったにもかかわらず展示されているものがどれほど素晴らしいものかを理解することができました。
From Scandinavia (2010-06) |
I didn't notice when I flew from Oslo that the airport had 2 terminals. Luckily, I found KLM's logo on a board stood in front of terminal building from a bus that we had got, so that I got off at the first station, which was terminal 2, immediately. Many people were in the terminal although it was before 6 o'clock in the morning. My friend struggled with a nasty check-in machine while I was standing in a line of baggage check-in.
The reason we took an early flight to Amsterdam was making a short visit to Amsterdam. My friend suggested me to go as she had been there and thought it must be fun to look around the city even thought we didn't have much time. Yet, I was too lazy to visit many places, so that I had asked her to take all my time in Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. I wasn't interested in Dutch paintings very much, but I was curious about Rembrandt since when I saw a TV programme broadcasted on NHK almost a year ago. It is Rembrandt's J'Accuse produced by British film director Peter Greenaway, who also made the film about the Rembrandt's Night Watch.
From Scandinavia (2010-06) |
Thus, 2.5 hour later when I left Helsinki, we arrived at the museum in Amsterdam. The museum main building has been under renovation, and now visitors can only see the selected masterpieces at the Philips Wing in the museum.
Although my intention was on Rembrandt at first, “The Masterpieces” (which is the name of special exhibition showing the selected collection during the restoration) was far more interesting than I imagined.
Not only the Golden Age Painting, but artifacts such as ceramics, tableware and doll houses were interesting enough to show us the history of Netherland's prosperity. I was especially interested in bottles in a cabinet which have the monogram of Dutch East India Company (VOC) were on. I recalled that only Netherlands maintained the trade with Tokugawa Shogunate when I saw it. The exhibition was well-organized. Each commentary was specific and fun to read, so that I understand how remarkable they were even though I wasn't basically interested.
However, I could tell that the most impressive part in the museum was Rembrandt. works. As I studied little about his works before I went, it seemed to me that every his paintings were more brilliant. Night Watch was of course wonderful and drew many people's attention, but I found that I personally prefer his later works rather than this masterpiece. They are more tranquil and intimate than his earlier paintings and such feeling made me think of the motif and the background.
I stayed there for 2 hours, and then we had lunch at a café in the city centre. Amsterdam looked more sophisticated than the cities in Scandinavian countries. I realised I was in Western Europe when I saw galleries, bookshops and othrer retail shops around the café.
I went back to Schiphol Airport in the afternoon. I didn't notice in the city centre, football uniforms and goods of Netherland were sold in everywhere in the airport. The World Cup has just begun the day before and many people in the airport looked fascinated about the matches on TV. I wasn't interested that much, though. I just looked for a kind of vestige of Scandinavia in large hub airport in Western Europe before the gate opened.
私達がアムステルダム行きの早い便を選んだのは、早く行ってアムステルダム市内を少し観光するためでした。友人は一度行ったことがあって、それで時間が少ししかなくても市内を見たらきっと楽しいだろうと誘ってくれたのです。ただ、私はたくさんの場所を観光するほどの元気がない人間なので、空いている時間を使ってアムステルダム国立美術館(Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) にだけ行きたいのだけれど、とお願いしたのです。そんなにオランダ絵画には興味がなかったのですが、NHKで放送していたドキュメンタリーを見てレンブラント(Rembrandt)のことが気になるようになりました。「レンブラントの告発: 名画「夜警」に隠された31の秘密」という番組で、はイギリスの映画監督ピーター・グリーナウェイが制作に関わっています。監督はレンブラントの「夜警」について描いた映画(『レンブラントの夜警
当初はレンブラントにしか興味がなかったのですが、The Masterpieces と銘打った改装中に公開しているコレクションは、想像以上に興味深いモノでした。
オランダ黄金時代の絵画に限らず、陶器、食器やドールハウスなどの工芸品もオランダの繁栄の歴史をうかがわせるに十分なものばかりです。私はその中でも特に、特にオランダ東インド会社のロゴが入っている陶器のボトルとそのケース に関心を持ちました。こんなところに来て、改めて江戸幕府と唯一交易を許されていたのがオランダであったことを思い起こしたのです。展示の構成はすばらしく、どの解説も的確で読んでも面白く、そのため、当初はあまり興味がなかったにもかかわらず展示されているものがどれほど素晴らしいものかを理解することができました。
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