Market Square and high streets (マーケット広場とメイン・ストリート)

Streets near the harbour are the high streets in Helsinki.

From Scandinavia (2010-06)

Esplanadi is a nice boulevard which has a park in between, and we see many famous Finnish boutiques, shoping centres and a department store there. You will find clothing chains along Aleksanterinkau, which runs the north side of Esplanadi and is named after Russian Emperor Alexander I. You  would better to take trams somewhere in this street as well if you would like to go to the city centre environs.

I am a person who isn't keen on shopping when I go abroad, and I didn't feel like buying something even though I was looking around these streets. In my opinion, international chains like H&M (bisides it is Swedish) looked nothing new, and most of Finnish design merchandises are "large" in every ways. I mean, things' size (clothes, stationery and furniture…anything) is basically large because Finnish people are tall (and large) on average, and accordingly, the patterns of products or textiles are really large.

From Scandinavia (2010-06)

The Market Square (Kauppatori) was the exception, though. It is situated along the harbour at the eastern end of Esplanadi. Many stalls of food, flowers, fresh fruits and vegetables, handcrafts and souvenir things were on lines, and tourists and local people came by. I was soon attracted by the atmosphere. The market itself was bustling, but people looked tranquil as if they hadn't intended to sell and buy. Some handcrafts are pretty and affordable, so that I looked around the stalls very seriously, which was the first time in this journey. I didn't buy things but wooden dish mats for souvenir, but it was the most amusing time for shopping during my journey.




でも、マーケット広場(Kauppatori, 英語ではMarket Square)だけは別です。広場はエスプラナーディの東端の港沿いに位置しています。食べ物、花、野菜や果物、工芸品や土産物などの屋台が立ち並び、観光客も地元の人も立寄っていました。私はそこの雰囲気が気に入ってしまいました。マーケット自体はとても活気に満ちているのですが、人々はとても売り買いなんかどうでも良さそうなくらいに穏やかに見えました。ハンドメイドの工芸品の中には、とても可愛らしく値段も安いものがあったので、じっくりと見て回ったくらいです。ちなみに、こんなに真面目に買い物をしようと思ったのはこの旅では初めてのことでした。お土産にハンドメイドの木製の鍋敷きを買ったくらいで、大して買いもしなかったのですが、この旅行中で一番楽しいショッピングでした。


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