Karl Johans gate and Grand Café (カール・ヨハンス・ガーテとグランド・カフェ)

From Scandinavia (2010-06)

Karl Johans gate is the street of Oslo which leads from Oslo Central Station and the Royal Palace. Since there are many tourist attractions, shops, hotels and restaurants along the street, tourists must you must walk there even if you only spend short period of time in Oslo like us.

The street was named for the King Charles III John (also called as Karl Johan and Charles XIV Johnan as the king of Sweden) established Swedish dynasty in 19th century after Sweden took Norway from Denmark. Interestingly, he was originally from France and served in French Army for long time, and later he was selected as a clown prince of Sweden and adopted by King Charles XIII under the name of Karl Johan.

According to the guidebook and Wikipedia, the original city was situated at the hill behind the station. In the 17th century, Christian IV, the king of Denmark-Norway rebuilt the city at the eastern section of Karl Johans gate where is around Oslo Cathedral (Domkirke). The wider western section, which is now the main part of the street, was built in 19th century.

I walked through the street a couple of times in 2 days, but I hardly believe it is the main street because the length, which is 1,020m, isn't enough long as the main street of the capital city. It was less exciting (in other words, it is peaceful), nothing special comparing to other European middle sized cities.

I wasn't interested in street performers and shops along the streets very much, but I was personally interested in Grand Café. This café is on the ground floor of Grand Hotel, and it is known that many celebrities used there as meeting place. One of the greatest playwrights Henrik Ibsen was a regular. I gave my mind to this fact because I was struck by his writing Doll's House read a week (my review is here) before I headed to Norway. I just felt like seeing something that he left behind in this city.

The café is a traditional European café as if time stopped in the late 19th century. People including businessmen had brunch or lunch at the terrace and inside the café when I went by. It appeared seats were almost full, and waiters looked very busy. Customers who looked working in a office had white wine or beer although it was Wednesday afternoon. I looked them very enviously, but at the same time, I wondered if they didn't care about the price. The liquor tax of Norway is extremely high, and I learned how expensive it was in this country during my journey.

Yet, never mind. Following other customers, I ordered a glass white wine there. Although the flavour was weak, the sharp, crisp taste it had. I also had same type of house wine at other restaurants in Norway, so that I thought it might be Norwegian taste especially in summer.

カール・ヨハンス・ガーテ(Karl Johans gate)はオスロ中央駅と王宮を結ぶ大通りです。通り沿いには観光施設や店舗、ホテルにレストランなどがあるため、私たちのようにオスロにほんの少ししか滞在しない人でも必ずこの道を通ることになるはずです。

通りは、19世紀にスウェーデンがデンマーク領だったノルウェーを併合した際にスウェーデンの王朝を建てたカール3世ヨハン(Charles III John, Karl Johan, ただしこちらはノルウェー王としての名称で、スウェーデン王としてはカール14世ヨハンと呼ばれます)の名前を取って名付けられました。面白いことに、彼は元々フランス出身の軍人でしたが、スウェーデンの後継者に選ばれ、後にカール・ヨハンの名前でスウェーデン王カール13世の養子になりました。

ガイドブックやウィキペディアによると、元のオスロの街というのは現在の中央駅の東側にある丘にあったそうで、それが17世紀に、デンマーク=ノルウェイの王クリスチャン4世によってこの通りの東側、オスロ大聖堂(Oslo Cathedral, Domkirke)がある辺りに再建されたということです。今では最も立派な通りの広い西側のエリアは、19世紀に作られたのだそうです。


大道芸人も通り沿いの店も興味を引かれるものに乏しかったのですが、個人的にグランド・カフェ(Grand Café)だけはちょっと別格でした。このカフェはグランドホテルの1階にあるカフェで、数多くの著名人が待ち合わせ場所として利用したことで知られています。偉大なノルウェーの劇作家ヘンリク・イプセン(Henrik Ipsen) もここの常連客でした。旅行の直前に『人形の家』を読んで、心を打たれたこともあり(レビューはこちらに掲載済みです)、この事実が少し気になっていました。彼の足跡を街の中で見ることができればな、という軽い気持ちです。




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