From Oslo to Helsinki (オスロからヘルシンキへ)
From Scandinavia (2010-06) |
I left Oslo city centre in the afternoon and headed to an airport. Oslo Airport (Oslo Luftfavn) is also called Gardermoen and located 49km north of the city centre. Although it is far from the city centre like Narita Airport in Japan, Airport Express Train called Flytoget connects between Oslo Central Station and the airport in 20 minutes.
Oslo Airport looked busier than I had imagined. It didn't look very large, yet there were a large number of passengers because international flights and domestic flights both flew into the airport. As well as I saw at Stavanger Sola Airport, a lot of people buy liquors at a duty-free shop. I easily understood the reason of this phenomenon, but it looked really strange because the shop seemed to me the most successful shop in Norway.
Our next destination was Helsinki, Finland, and we had booked tickets of a low cost carrier named Norwegian Air Shuttle. I didn't know this airline before my friend told me about, but it is said that it is the second-largest airline in Scandinavia and the fourth-largest low cost carrier in Europe. The air fare was extremely reasonable, but instead, every check-in baggage, on-board food and drinks are charged.
From Scandinavia (2010-06) |
The flight from Oslo through Helsinki takes about 2.5 hours, but it just took 1.5 hour on a timetable because of time difference. People on board looked very casual. Some people didn't have a large suitcase at all, and younger passengers brought some snacks and drinks on a plane. It was like boarding on a domestic train rather than a international flight. And indeed, it approached Finland very quickly. Grounds seen from window were different from what I saw in Oslo. People says Finland is the country of forests and lakes, and it was true as far as I saw from up in the air.
From Scandinavia (2010-06) |
The thing I noticed at first when I arrived at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, every signs were written in 3 languages; English, Finnish and Swedish. It was really hard to distinguish which was English because all of them are, of course, written in alphabets. Anyway, I realized that Finland had 2 official languages. The language that I could imagine the meaning from written words was Swedish (as it has similarity to German), and the other might be Finnish. I had no idea what was written and how to pronounce. Finnish sounds were also unfamiliar, but I thought the intonation was funny.
My friend had checked transportation to Helsinki city centre, and she told me that we took a bus called Finnair City Bus operated by Finnair. It runs every 20 minutes to the Helsinki Central railway station for about 35 minutes.
It was quite reasonable, but I found later that it wasn't necessarily the best choice if your destination was the south of south-west side of the station. Actually, my accommodation was located in the south-west side of the city, so that we had to walk 15 minutes after we got off the bus. It was stressful to walk through unfamiliar streets in foreign countries with my suitcase, yet fortunately, it was still bright although it was already nearly 8 o'clock. In addition, Helsinki was so safe and peaceful that no one cared 2 Aegean women were walking with large suitcases watching a map. It was my only consolation.
午後になって市街から空港へと向かいました。オスロ空港(Oslo Airport, Oslo Lutfavn)はガーデモエン(Gardermoen)空港とも呼ばれ、オスロの中心部から49km離れたところに位置します。成田空港並みに市内から遠いのですが、Flytogetと呼ばれる高速鉄道がオスロ中央駅から空港までを結んでいて、20分で行くことができます。
私たちの行先はフィンランドのヘルシンキ(Helsinki)。既にノルウェー・エア・シャトル(Norwegian Air Shuttle)という格安航空会社のチケットを取ってありました。友人が教えてくれるまではこの航空会社のことは全然知らなかったのですが、スカンジナヴィア諸国の中では2番目に大きい航空会社、そしてヨーロッパの格安航空会社の中では4番目に大きな会社だそうです。確かに航空券代は安いですが、預け入れ荷物には手数料がかかりますし、機内の飲食等は有料です。
ヘルシンキ・ヴァンター空港(Helsinki-Vantaa Airport)に着いて最初に気付いたのは、サインが英語、フィンランド語、スウェーデン語の3か国語で表示されていたことです。当たり前のことですが、どれもアルファベット表記なので、最初はどれが英語なのかを判別するのに時間がかかってしまいました。ともかく、このサインシステムを見て、フィンランドの公用語は二つあるということに気付かされました。文字を見てなんとなく意味を理解できる方がスウェーデン語(ドイツ語に似ている部分があるから)、もうひとつがフィンランド語のようです。フィンランド語の方は何が書いてあるのかも、どう発音するのかも全く想像できません。フィンランド語の音も聞き慣れないものでしたが、イントネーションは滑稽な感じがしました。
友人はヘルシンキの中心地までの交通手段も調べてくれていて、私にこれからフィンエアーのシャトルバス、Finnar City Busに乗るのだと教えてくれました。このバスは空港からヘルシンキ中央駅(Helsinki Central railway station)までを所要時間35分程度で結んでいて、20分おきに運行しています。