2 cathedrals in Helsinki (ヘルシンキの二つの大聖堂)

I had only 2days in central Helsinki, but fortunately, I saw some of them without taking much time. Tourist attractions in the city centre are located near the harbour. The area was really convenient to look around after visiting Suomenlinna.

From Scandinavia (2010-06)

The most prominent building of all is Helsinki Cathedral (Helsingin tuomiokirkko or Suurkirkko) because it stands on the top of steps. This massive church was built in 1852 and a German architect Carl Ludvig Engel desingned it as well as Senate Square (Senaatintori), a large square in front of the cathedral. The construction of the cathedral was finished in 1852. Both of them were recognised as splendid neoclassical architectures (whose styles are derived from Ancient Greek architectures and emphasize the planer quality of architecture rather than chiaroscuro) in Europe.

Yet frankly speaking, they are too austere as tourist attractions although I admit it is fair as a Lutheran church. I had hesitated to go there from the beginning because it seemed hard for me to go up and down the stairs with no rail as I'm acrophobia. The visit wasn't interesting very much for these reasons, actually. I suppose it would be more enjoyable if I visited when the concert was held because it has a huge organ.

From Scandinavia (2010-06)

On the contrary, Uspenski Cathedral (Uspenskin katedraali) technically, an Orthodox (technically, Finnish Orthodox) cathedral facing the Helsinki Cathedral, was more interesting to look at. It is dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos (the Virgin Mary) and the cathedral was designed by Russian architect Alexey Gornostaev and built in 1868. The exterior such as blue-green roofs and redbrick façade is more gorgeous, but the most spectacular thing the interior. The beautiful iconostasis, candle lights and music heard from somewhere…, many tourists including me were attracted by the atmosphere.

In the period when these cathedrals were built, Finland was a part of Russian Empire. So a street in front of the Senate Square named after Alexander I, and the statue in the centre of the square honours Alexander II, both of them titled as Russian Emperor and Grand Prince of Finland. Although the empire was under tsarist autocracy, Finland was initially guaranteed the regional autonomy. Alexander II is especially popular in Finland because his political and economical reforms to increase Finland's autonomy from Russia indirectly encouraged industrial development and Finnish nationalism. You can also see a plaque commemorating him on the back of the Uspenski Cathedral because it was constructed during his reign.

I saw a sort of legacy of the Russian Empire in Finland at the area around 2 cathedrals.


この辺りで一番目立つのは、階段の上に建てられたヘルシンキ大聖堂(Helsingin tuomiokirkko あるいは Suurkirkko, 英語ではHelsinki Cathedral)です。この大きな教会は1852年に建設され、大聖堂前の元老院広場(Senate Square, フィンランド語Suurkirkko)と同様、ドイツ人建築家カール・ルードヴィヒ・エンゲル (Carl Ludvig Engel) がその設計にあたりました。どちらもヨーロッパの中でも素晴らしい新古典主義建築(古代ギリシャの建築様式を元に、建築の凹凸による明暗よりも建築物の平面的な性質を重視した建築様式)とされています。


それとは対照的に、ヘルシンキ大聖堂に向かい合って建っている正教会(厳密に言えばフィンランド正教会)の聖堂、ウスペンスキ寺院(Uspenskin katedraal, 英語ではUspenski Cathedral、厳密には「大聖堂」みたいですがヘルシンキ市観光局のビジターズガイドに載っていた名前にします)はもっと面白かったです。この教会は正教会の十二大祭の一つで、マリヤの永眠を記念する生神女就寝祭を記念しています。建物はロシア人建築家アレクセイ・ゴルノスターエフ(Alexey Gornostaev)によって1868年に建てられました。青緑の屋根に赤レンガの壁など、外観もより華やかですが、何よりも素晴らしいのが教会内部です。美しいイコノスタシスにキャンドルの明かり、そしてどこからともなく聞こえる音楽、私に限らず多くの観光客がその雰囲気に魅了されていました。

これらの大聖堂が建てられた頃、フィンランドは帝政ロシアの一部でした。だから元老院広場の前の通りは、ロシア皇帝かつフィンランド大公であるアレクサンドル1世(Alexander I)、そして元老院広場には3代目大公のアレクサンドル2世(Alexander II)の銅像が建てられています。ロシア帝国内は皇帝による絶対君主制が敷かれていたにもかかわらず、当初フィンランドには自治権が認められていたのです。アレクサンドル2世の政治・経済政策はロシアに対するフィンランドの自治権を拡大し、それが間接的にフィンランド国内の産業の発展とナショナリズムの高まりを促したため、特にフィンランド国民に愛されています。この皇帝を称える銘板は、彼の在位中に建てられたウスペンスキー寺院の背後にもあります。



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