What I ate in Adelaide

From Australia (2009-02)

I always loose my appetite while I was travelling abroad. I like to travel and to eat anything even if it isn’t familiar to me, but basically, I am a person who feels comfortable staying at home. So I didn't felt like eating anything heavy when I was in Adelaide because staying there was the later part of my journey. Yet, it was natural to think that I would like to go nice place as I had to eat anyway. Don't you think?

I hardly went anywhere to have breakfast and lunch. I made turkey salad sandwiches when I went Barossa, and bought a snack in Port Adelaide. I was sure it was enough for me, but now I felt little sorry for my friend. Probably, he was hungry all time in Adelaide.

If we had wanted, we would have been able to nice breakfast (which seemed like between English and American) anywhere in town during weekdays. Coffee was also nice although how they call was a bit different from other countries. I like to have flat white, which looked and tasted exactly like café latte. There were a large number of cafés and coffee shops in town, but I didn’t see any Starbuck's during my visit, which was really surprising.

I only went 3 restaurants, all of which recommended in guidebooks and I like 2 of them. One is The Treasury. This modern Australian restaurant is in the hotel where I stayed, so that it was convenient to go there. I found it when I read a book (a gorgeous hard-cover guidebook with beautiful pictures) in a hotel in Darwin, and I was attracted by the beautiful picture of a dish and courtyard. Of course I had dinner at the courtyard. Meal (I took 2 courses from a la carte) was delicious, but the volume was beyond my thought. I was almost full when I had finished soup (it was rather a bowl of noodle with soup, actually). The other is Beyond India, Indian restaurant. It is on the O’Connell Street and seemed popular even for local people. Restaurant was large and stylish and meal was also nice although it was hot.



もしも食べようと思えば、平日ならまあまあの朝食(イギリスっぽくもありアメリカっぽくもあります)が、街のどこでも取れたでしょう。コーヒーも美味しかったですが、同じ英語でも呼び方が少し変わっていました。私はフラット・ホワイト(flat white)という、見かけも味もほとんどカフェラテなものをよく飲み真下。街にはかなりの数のカフェやコーヒー・ショップがありましたが、滞在中はスターバックスを一軒も見ることはなく、正直これにはかなり驚きました。

アデレードでは、ガイドブックに載っていたレストランのうち、3軒に行きましたが、その中でも気に行ったのが2軒ありました。その一つがThe Treasuryです。モダン・オーストラリア料理のレストランで、泊まったホテルにあったため、非常に便利でした。ダーウィンのホテルで読んだ本(豪華な装丁で、カラー写真満載のガイドブックでした)で見つけたのですが、美味しそうに盛り付けられた食事と、きれいな中庭の写真にすっかり参ってしまったのです。もちろん夕食は中庭でいただきました。食事(私はアラカルトから2品選びました)は、とても美味しかったのですが、量は想像以上に多かったです。スープ(というよりは変わり種のラーメンのように、細長いパスタと具が満載でした)を食べ終わったときには、かなりお腹一杯になっていたほどです。もう一つの気に入った店がBeyond Indiaというインド料理店です。オコンネル・ストリートにあって、地元の人にも人気のようでした。店は大きくスタイリッシュなつくりになっていて、かなり辛かったですけれど美味しかったです。


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