To Barossa Valley
From Australia (2009-02) |
I went to Barossa Valley by a car on Saturday. Adelaide was still hot and had strong wind caused by heat wave. A large scale of bushfire broke out in Victoria this day, but I hadn't realised it was such serious in the morning.
We picked up a car near the Adelaide station, where there are several rental car agents. As small automatic cars are run out, my friend accepted to rent a 4 wheel car for the same price. It wasn't fuel-efficient, but the fare was far less expensive than a small car rented in Darwin. Yet my friend and I thought it was useless to rent such a big car in Adelaide although we rented a small one in Darwin. And we are bit nervous when we are asked where we were going at the office (because it was obvious that we drove there to taste wine!). But they naturally gave us free maps to Barossa Valley and Adelaide Hills when we told them our destination.
The easiest way from Adelaide city centre to Barossa Valley is take route A20 through Gawler. However, we took another way named B10, which leads to the north town in Barossa called Angaston thorough the east side of the valley, as it was recommended in the guidebook. It was certainly beautiful scenic route, but at the same time winding road made me little sick.
After driving 1 hour or so, vineyards came in our sight. We were in Eden Valley, the east of Barossa, where is famous for Riesling wine. The feeling was like "Sideways " and my car sickness got better. Yet the scenery in this area is more like Tuscany rather than California. The heat and dust were terrible, so that we couldn’t stay longer even though we went to the lookout. It was difficult to keep my eyes opening as the wind was so strong.
この日はバロッサ・バレー(Barossa Valley)に行きました。熱波の影響でこの日も暑くて、強風も吹いていました。ヴィクトリア州では大規模な山火事が起こりましたが、この日の朝にニュースを見たときはそんなに大変なことになるとは思ってもいませんでした。
1時間ほど車を走らせると、ブドウ畑が見えてきました。そこはエデン・バレー(Eden Valley)というバロッサの東側に位置するリースリング・ワインが有名な場所でした。この時の気分はまさしく『サイドウェイ』で、私の車酔いも多少飛びました。とはいえ、この地域の景色はカリフォルニアというよりもトスカーナの感じだと思います。物凄い暑さと塵で、展望台に長居することなどできませんでした。風が強くて目を開けておくのも難しかったのです。
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