South Australian Museum

From Australia (2009-02)

The first place I visited in Adelaide was South Australian Museum. It is in the area called North Terrace, and many cultural institutions such as a library and a gallery is there on the same street. I personally keen on such things, and I was interested in that the museum has the greatest Aboriginal collection.

The exterior looked colonial as well as other cultural facilities in Adelaide, but the entrance and exhibition room are quite modern. And with no doubt, Aboriginal and Pacific collection was fascinating. The volume is moderate enough to make people understand without making them bored. The exhibition was beautiful, although many things are displayed in one corner so that people might hardly understand which is the most important. Audio and Visual equipments are effectively used in the exhibition. I heard Aborigine stories and some documentary films while I was watching artefacts. Some people were listening sitting on a sofa beside the monitor.

Other thing (personally) amused in this museum is The Origin Energy Fossil Gallery. Australia is famous for opal mining, and the one of the major sources is Cooper Pedy, South Australia. So, in this gallery, we see dinosaurs' and other fossils partly turned into opals.

アデレードで最初に訪れたのが、南オーストラリア博物館(South Australian Museum)でした。博物館のあるあたりはノース・テラス(North Terrace)と呼ばれ、図書館や美術館といった文化施設が並んでいます。私はこういう施設には目がなかったし、博物館に最も大規模なアボリジニ関連のコレクションがあるということに興味を持ちました。


この博物館で他に(個人的に)面白いと思ったのは、現地企業がスポンサーになっている化石展示です。オーストラリアはオパール採掘で有名で、その主な採掘地がサウス・オーストラリア州内のクーパー・ピディ(Cooper Pedy)というところにあります。そのためこの展示室では、一部がオパール化した恐竜や他の化石を見ることができます。


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