From East Terrace to Rundle Mall
From Australia (2009-02) |
It was also nice to wander around Tandanya. I saw the building having old façade when I was walking to north. It used be a fruit and vegetable market called East End Market. Now it is developed as residential area. Some shops were also there. I called in one of them, a wine retailer named East End Cellars, which was introduced on a guidebook. A variety of wines, (large number of French and Italian wines as well as domestic wines) was sold and the interior was really nice and the clerk kindly helped me to find what I want.
I have seen North Terrace near the King William Street very often, but I didn't have a chance to look around the east side. I went there at last, and I thought it was better to take a walk. It was quiet and tidy like North Adelaide, but little livelier. There were also a lot of restaurants and cafes and all of them looked nice.
Rundle Mall is the most popular shopping street in Adelaide. A number of shops, shopping arcades, a supermarket and a department store were there. My friend and I don't like shopping very much, so that I hadn't been interested in Rundle Mall, until I saw a postcard at a souvenir shop. There bronze pigs on the picture, which was really cute.
But frankly speaking, things sold in Rundle Mall (probably also in other place in Adelaide or Australia) looked ordinary and unattractive at all. They weren't reasonable and I thought I could buy something nicer in Tokyo. I would have fetched fresh fruits and vegetables or dozens of bottles of wines if I could, but it was impossible.
タンダニア周辺の散歩も良かったです。北の方へ歩いていくと、古い建物のファサードが見えてきます。ここはイースト・エンド・マーケット(East End Market)という青果市場跡で、いまは住宅地になっており、小さな店舗もいくつかありました。そのうちの一つがガイドブックに紹介されていたので、立ち寄りました。イースト・エンド・セラーズ(East End Cellars)というワインショップで、たくさんのワイン(国産のワインの他にもフランス・イタリアワインが多かったです)が売られていて、内装も感じの良いお店でした。店員さんも、こちらの希望に合わせて丁寧にワインを選んでくれました。
少し南に戻っていくと、ランドル・モール(Rundle Mall)に行き当たります。ここはアデレードでいちばん賑やかなショッピングエリアです。いくつもの店舗、アーケード、スーパーからデパートまであります。友人も私も買い物にそれほど興味がないため、この通りに格別の思い入れはなかったのですが、土産物屋で1枚のポストカードを見てから、すこし考えが変わりました。その写真には、ブロンズの豚が写っていて、それがとても可愛かったのです。
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