East Point and Stokes Hill Wharf

From Australia (2009-02)

We dropped by East Point Reserve on our way back from Lichfield. It is a spit located north of Fanny Bay, which is also north of the city centre. I personally think it shouldn't be called as one of "city sights" because it is far. Yet it was nice place to go if you drive a car.

Many people jogged at the boardwalk and other people swam in the lake. In Darwin, people are not able to swim in the sea because of poisonous jelly-fishes, so that it might be nice spot to have a swimming. We couldn't wait to see sunset as it was really hot and we were very tired of long drive (all I did was being seated and taking a nap, though).

There was a small military museum at East Point as well, but we didn't go in since it didn't seem attractive at all.

Next morning, we drove to Stokes Hill Wharf before returning a car. There is nothing but a small ship and a storehouse renovated into restaurants and food stalls. It was closed because it was morning. One memorial of World War II was just there.

In fact, people see such things often in Darwin because this city was damaged by Japanese troops. I read on the guidebooks that Zero-fighters attacked Darwin in 1942 after bombing Pearl Harbor, which made me really surprised. Implicitly, Australia is extremely far from Japan and the land is far larger than our country. It seems to me that Japanese military didn't realise such geographical disadvantage when they declared the war and started to attack across the Pacific, as I couldn't imagine the width of this continent.

リッチフィールドの帰りに、イースト・ポイント保護区(East Point Reserve)に立ち寄りました。ダーウィン市街の北に位置するファニー・ベイ(Fanny Bay)の北側に突き出た場所です。市街から遠く、市内観光としてこの場所をガイドブックなどに掲載するのはどうかと思いましたが、運転していくのであれば良い場所です。



翌日レンタカーを返す前に、来るまでストークス・ヒル・ワーフ(Stokes Hill Wharf)に行きました。小さな船と、レストランや屋台に改装された倉庫が立っているだけの場所で、朝に行っても店は閉まっているため特に見るものもありません。第二次世界大戦の記念碑だけがそこにありました。



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