Driving around Darwin

From Australia (2009-02)

I wanted to go to Lichfield National Park instead of visiting Kakadu. My friend and I had planned to join a tour as it is far from Darwin despite that it is nearer than Kakadu. Yet we rented a car after all. We noticed we might not visiting most of sights without a vehicle soon after we arrived at Darwin. Bus lines are available, but it isn't frequent and doesn't go to the environs a lot. And many places worth visiting in Darwin aren’t in city centre as well. Besides, booking a tour in advance and getting up early (usually a tour starts at 7.30 in the morning when I checked) was annoying.

Car rental system in the Northern Territory is slightly different to other states in Australia. Normally in Darwin, you don't get unlimited mileage, which means the cost will be charged depending on your extra mileage. As a result, the fare is more expensive than that in other states. I think it is inevitable because there is no substitute transportation in this area.

I didn't drive at all, but I can assure the way to Lichfield was quite simple. If you go through the city area and take Stuart Highway, you just drive straight to the south for about 90km, which was also exactly what I heard in the visitor centre.

As I usually live in a high populated small insular country, I felt strange on the way to Litchfield. Artificial buildings and things were hardly seen along the way. The one sealed road leads straight to the south (actually, it goes to the end of the continent). We see a small number of vehicles during the drive. I was shocked a bit when I saw the sign indicated, "Alice Springs, 1423km." Distance over 1000km was beyond my imagination.



私自身は全く運転しませんでしたが、リッチフィールドまでの道のりは非常に簡単だと断言できます。ビジター・センターの人にも言われたことですが、街の中心部を抜けてスチュアート・ハイウェイ(Stuart Highway)に入れば、あとはひたすら南に90kmほど走れば良いだけです。

普段、人口密度の高い小さな島国に住んでいる私にとっては、リッチフィールド行きの道のりでは非常に不思議な感覚にとらわれました。人工的な建築物は殆ど見かけず、ただひたすら舗装された長い道路が南の方へ真っ直ぐ向かっています(実際、このハイウェイは大陸の南まで突っ切っています)。ドライブの途中に見かけた車の数も数えるほどでした。そして結構衝撃的だったのは、「アリス・スプリングス 1423km」という道路標識を見たときです。1000km以上の距離というのが、どうしても想像がつかないのでした。


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