Cleland Wildlife Park
From Australia (2009-02) |
It was busy day for us. We went back Adelaide around the noon. Soon we took the car, which we had parked near the station in the morning, and then went to Cleland Wildlife Park. At first, I had hesitated to go there since it was a bit childish and the schedule might be tight, but I couldn't resist the event of koala cuddling. The park is at the top of Mount Lofty, and animals in Australia were seen. The difference between zoo and this park is that some of them like kangaroos, wallabies and emus are released inside the park.
After driving about half an hour, we reached Mount Lofty. We kept going on a narrow winding road (bit scary because our car was big), and finally arrived at the park. Apparently, it was a mountain rather to call "park" or "zoo". Not only tourists, but also local families seemed to come to enjoy their weekend.
Unfortunately, I couldn't hold a koala. It was announced on the board that the koala cuddling was cancelled since they weren't in good condition because of the heat continued by the day before. Instead, I could make it in feeding time of Tasmanian Devils, Dingoes, and Koalas. There are other marsupial mammals such as a wombat and echidnas in the park as well.
What I enjoyed the most was to feed kangaroos. Unexpectedly, they looked lazy (they don’t seem to move quickly in daytime as they usually move around at night) and less wariness than wallabies. They soon approached when I held out my hands putting their food on, which was really cute. But matter of fact, it doesn't have much difference between kangaroos in Cleland and the dears in Nara.
We dropped by Mt. Lofty Summit before we went back to city centre. This lookout gave us panoramic view of Adelaide, but we didn't stay longer as it had been already cold on the mountain. It was outside of the park, one Koala was on a eucalyptus tree eating leaves. People were watching it curiously.
この日は忙しい日でした。昼頃に市内に戻り、すぐに朝のうちに駅の近くに停めていた車に乗って、クリーランド自然保護公園(Cleland Wildlife Park)に行きました。最初は、動物園なんて子供じみているし、スケジュール的にキツいかと思い、行くのを躊躇していたのですが、コアラを抱っこできるというのに惹かれ、結局行くことにしたのです。この公園はロフティ山の上にあり、オーストラリア固有の動物たちを見ることができます。この公園と動物園の異なることは、カンガルーやワラビー、エミューなどは放し飼いにされているという点です。
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