Arriving at Darwin

From Australia (2009-02)

Darwin Airport is smaller than Cairns. People may hardly believe it is the airport of the capital city of one state, the Northern Territory. Just small information and rent-a-car desks were there. As soon as I set foot outside of the building, it was sweltering and I also felt blazing sunlight.

I took a taxi to go to a hotel in city centre I had booked already. Closer to the city, more houses and stores I saw. I arrived at a hotel about 20 minutes later. It didn't looked city centre at all, though. In the main street called Mitchell Street, there are all types of accommodation, tour desks, bars and restaurants, a shopping mall, a supermarket, internet cafes, and a cinema. People, especially tourists can conclude most of things in this street, except sightseeing.

I didn't do anything special on the first day in Darwin. As I mentioned, I was totally exhausted for the long flight. My friend and I just went to a pub to have ordinary dinner with Australian beer watching the men's final of the Australian Open on TV. It was exciting long match, so we were still watching it after I went back to our hotel room. By the way, the hotel I stayed was Crowne Plaza, which was nice as usual.


予約していた、街の中心部にあるホテルに行くためにタクシーに乗りました。街に近づくにしたがって、多くの家や店が見えるようになってきて、間もなくホテルに到着しました。おそらく20分くらいかかったと思います。それでも繁華街とは程遠い感じでした。実際、ここではメイン・ストリート(Mitchell Streetという通りです)に行けば、各種宿泊施設、ツアー会社、飲食店、スーパー、ショッピングモール、インターネットカフェに映画館と、何でもそろっています。但し、観光名所と呼べるものはないですけれど。



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