Arriving at Adelaide
From Australia (2009-02) |
We arrived at 1.30 pm at Parklands Terminal, Adelaide. Trains operated by Great Southern Rail stop this terminal, but commuters don't use this station at all. It means that the station is really quiet unless passengers come and go. I looked around the souvenir shop at the terminal as wanted to buy playing ca for my grandmother.
I had expected Adelaide was cooler than Northern Territory, but it was extremely hot. The temperature was 42 °C because of the heat wave. My friend and I shared a taxi with other passenger who had talked lot in the trains and went to city centre.
It just took about 10 minutes or so to city centre. Frankly speaking, Adelaide is small city comparing to Tokyo or other major cities in Japan. However, it looked big urban city comparing to where I had visited. Many cars runs sealed street, trams and buses were there as well. Both modern buildings and colonial architectures stood along the street. Apparently there is more people than Darwin. I could clearly see that it is the capital city of South Australia at least.
Our accommodation was in South Adelaide. It was Medina Grand Adelaide Treasury and we stayed the serviced apartment. Actually, this accommodation was strongly recommended on a guidebook I have read. It was wonderful. It used be the Treasury of South Australia, and it was renovated, so that the layout of the building is European and there is a lovely courtyard. The apartment is in the 1st floor, which means upstairs, and it is really modern. The room I stayed has 3 rooms; bathrooms with laundry, a living and dining room with kitchen facilities and a bed room. A bar and a restaurant are available on the ground floor. There were many young people who seemed working in offices around the hotel came to drink at the bar on Friday night. The restaurant is...I'm going to talk about later.
午後1時30分にアデレードのパークランズ・ターミナル(Parklands Terminal)に到着しました。グレート・サザン・レイル(Great Southern Rail)が運行する列車はこの駅に停車しますが、近郊線はここを使っていません。なので駅は乗客が往来しない限りは非常に静かです。駅の売店でグッズを見て、祖母のためにトランプを買いました。
私の宿泊先はサウス・アデレードにありました。メディナ・グランド・アデレード・トレジャリー(Medina Grand Adelaide Treasury)というところで、そこのサービス・アパートメントを予約していたのです。私が読んだガイドブックおすすめのアパートメントで、実際に泊まってみても本当に素晴らしいところでした。ここは財務省だった建物を改築したホテルで、そのため建物の作りはヨーロッパ風で、素敵な中庭があります。アパートメントは建物の2F部分にあり、中は非常にモダンな造りになっています。私が泊まったところには、洗濯機付のバスルームとキッチン付きのリビング・ダイニング、それに寝室の3部屋に分かれていました。バーとレストランは1階にあり、金曜日になると近くで働いていると思しき若い人達がたくさん、バーにやって来ていました。レストランについては、後ほどお話したいと思います。
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