to the Citadel (シタデルへ)

From the area around the Mosque of Ibn Tulun and Gayer-Anderson Museum, I walked the street to the east. Even though it appeared the main street in this area, it wasn't wide enough that 2 vehicles passed each other, and the scenery of our way was less tidy than the city centre.

After 15 minutes walk, I came across a street junction and I saw the Citadel on the hill across the street. The junction is called Salah Al Din Square, and streets around this square were very busy. I was scared of weaving our way through heavier traffic, but I managed to cross the street and headed to the Citadel.

When I was passing by the junction, I saw a large mosque on my left side. I haven't noticed at the moment, but I found the exterior was more decorative than the Mosque of Ibn Tulin when I looked it down from the Citadel. This building is called the Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan, and was commissioned by the Mamluk Sultan An-Nâsir al-Hasan in 1356 as a mosque and religious school for all four juristic branches of Sunni Islam. However, the Sultan was assigned before the completion. (FYI, he was only 26 when murdered according to Wikipedia!) It is also said that the stone of Giza Necropolis may have been used for the construction.

One thing we hadn't counted on was the location of the entrance of the Citadel for visitors. Actually, it was the south-east side of the fortress. Where we came from was the north-west, so that we had no choice to go half around the walls. The way was harder than before as I felt like I'm ready to see inside soon. Looking on the bright side, I had valuable experience that I strongly felt how big it was.


15分後、シタデル(Citadel)のある丘が望める交差点に辿り着きました。サラーフッディーン広場(Salah Al Din Square)という場所で、この周りの交通量はとても多かったです。沢山の車をかき分けて通りを渡るのは怖かったのですが、なんとか渡り、シタデルの方へ向かいました。

交差点を通り過ぎる時、左手に大きなモスクが見えました。その時はあまり気にしていなかったのですが、後でシタデルからこのモスクを見下した時にイブン=トゥールーン・モスクよりも外観が装飾的であることに気がつきました。建物の名前はスルタン・ハサン・モスク(Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan)と言い、マムルーク朝のスルタン、ナースィル・ハサン(An-Nâsir al-Hasan)によって1356年に建設を命じられた、モスク兼スンナ派の四つのイスラム法学派のための学院です。ですがこのスルタンは完成を見ずに(ウィキペディアによると26歳の若さで!)暗殺されたのだとか。またこのモスク建設にはギザの墳墓群で使われていた石が使われたという説もあるようです。



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