The Mosque of Ibn Tulun (イブン=トゥールーン・モスク)

And then, I arrived at the Mosque of Ibn Tulun. Existing Cairo consists of several capital cities in Ancient and Islamic Egypt. The area where it was built was the capital of the Tulunids called al-Qatta'i.

In 879, this ceremonial mosque was constructed by Ahmad ibn Ţūlūn the founder of the Tulunid dynasty and served as the centre of religious and political administration. Even though restored several times, the mosque is the oldest mosque in Cairo surviving its original form and people in Cairo still visit there for praying.

I had read in a guidebook that people are not allowed to enter a mosque wearing shoes women would be better wearing modest clothes that covers their bodies and something covering their heads. Yet for the tourists, the rule wasn't so strict at this mosque that I entered without covering my hair (I had long scarf, though). A man at the entrance shoed us the shoe-covers so as not to walk around there with our bare shoes on.

There were a small number of tourists inside the mosque and it made it looked larger. It was actually large according to the fact I found later. It covers more than 26,318 m2, and it was the 3rd largest mosque in the world. Although it was simple, I was amazed by the arches of the courtyard galleries. Comparing to the stone buildings in the same period of Europe, it apparently more sophisticated. The most significant feature of the mosque is the minaret. It has outer spiral staircase which cannot be seen in other mosques in Egypt. I couldn't see it properly, but it reminded me of the Tower of Babel.

The weather wasn't fine and it was really quiet. I walked around very slowly looking what was like not to disturb people who were praying for their god.

イブン=トゥールーン・モスク(the Mosque of Ibn Tulin)に着きました。現在のカイロ市内には古代からイスラム王朝支配下のエジプトにかけて首都になっている地域がいくつも混在していますが、このモスクが建てられている辺りはトゥールーン朝の首都アル・カターイ (al-Qatta'i)と呼ばれていた場所です。



観光客はとても少なく、そのせいかモスクがとても広く見えました。実際に広いモスクだということを後で知ったのですが、それによると26,318 m2 もあって世界第3位の大きさだとか。作りは簡素でしたが、回廊のアーチには感動させられました。同時代のヨーロッパの石造建築に比べると遥かに洗練されているのがわかります。ここで最も特徴的なのはミナレット(モスクに付随する尖塔)です。外側に螺旋階段がついているのですが、この形のものはエジプト国内にはここでしか見られません。修復中だったのでしっかり見えなかったのですが、その形はバベルの塔(の絵)を思い起こさせます。



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