The Hanging Church (エル・ムアッラカ教会)

The church I entered was the Saint Virgin Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church.

It was suspended over a passage of a top of the southern tower gate of Babylon Fortress when it was first built in the 3rd or 4th century, so that it is popular to be called as the Hanging Church (El Muallaqa) as well. By the 11th century, the church became the official residence of the Coptic patriarchs of Alexandria, and most part of current building was considered to be built around this period.

Despite the repeated renovation, the basilican-style interior and icons were worth watching. Walls and screens are decorated by small geometric forms reminded me of arabesque in Islamic architectures, but numbers of icons reminded the Orthodox Church. Many styles were combined in this church, so that I felt that Coptic Church was unique although I didn't know anything about the religion.

I stayed there for a while listening the explanation in English by a group tour guide. It was little difficult to hear of Christian belief and ecclesiastical architectural terms in English, but it was quite helpful to know about the church.

There was another church next to the Hanging Church. It is a Greek Orthodox church called as the Church of St. George. It seemed quite popular because the name of the nearest metro station Mar Girgis is Arabic name of St. George. I imagined that it might be derived from the church.

 A current large round church was built in 1909, but the origin of the church is uncertain. For centuries, the church alternated between ownership by the Copts and the Greek Orthodox Church, but since the 15th century it has remained Greek Orthodox. Although it wasn't extraordinary, but reliefs of St. Georges, beautiful stained-glass and candle flames in a church were so beautiful that I felt somehow relieved as if I was away from chaotic Cairo.


3,4世紀頃に建てられたもので、当初はバビロン要塞の南塔の門の通路の天井から吊り下げる形で建てられたことから、アラビア語でも英語でも Hanging Church(吊り下げた教会)という名称で呼ばれています。11世紀までにはコプト正教会の教皇であるアレキサンドリア総主教の公邸となっていました。



エル・ムアッラカ教会の隣にもう一つ別の教会がありました。聖ジョージ教会(Church of St. George)という、聖ゲオルギウスに捧げたギリシア正教の教会です。メトロの駅名マー・ガージスがアラビア語で聖ジョージを指すことからも、どうやらこの辺りではポピュラーな教会かと思われます。



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