The Great Pyramid of Giza (ギザの大ピラミッド)

There are some pyramids in Giza, and I visited the oldest and the largest one called the Great Pyramid of Giza at first.

It is said that this pyramid was built as a tomb for Khufu, Pharaoh of the fourth dynasty of Ancient Egypt and the construction was completed around 2560 BC. It was 146.5 meters high initially, but today it is 138.7 meters high because the ridge was chipped off.

When it came into view, I thought it was certainly huge, but I didn't feel it was tall. I had got used to seeing tall buildings in Tokyo, and in fact, it isn't the tallest building in the world anymore. The most striking thing was that I saw the real pyramid which was built over 4,500 years ago without using complex constructing machines. Dusty and Sandy strong wind blew, and the nothing offered shade from the beating sun. Yet, I was happy to be there.

I also got inside the pyramid. The limited number of visitors (it was 300 people in a day when I visited there) can see inside the pyramid if you buy a ticket. My friend and I stood in a line in front of the box-office 30 minutes before the disclosure in the afternoon, but we found that it was no use when the office was open. I mean, Egyptian tour conductors pushed into the queue in order to buy loads of tickets for people joining package tours.

We have barely got our tickets, but another problem arose at the entrance. It was about a hand luggage. Visitors are prohibited to bring cameras, I admit which is enough reasonable, but unbelievably, there wasn't any place to check our belongings. Private tourists usually have cameras or videos. We didn't know what to do at the entrance, and neither did other European private tourists. Then finally, some bribed a ticket collector to check their cameras, and the other entered one after the other.

To tell you the truth, I was not sure if it was worth a look as I was exhausted before entering. What is more, I have a sort of claustrophobia, so that being inside the pyramid was extremely uncomfortable. A narrow passage filled with many people and the King's Chamber without any windows (of course) nearly caused me panic. The Grand Gallery, a wider ascending passage leading to the King's Chamber whose ceiling consists of a corbel vault with seven layers built from enormous limestone blocks, was undoubtedly magnificent, but it felt that videos and photographs taken in this place was more beautiful than I saw the real passage.

On the south side of the Great Pyramid, there is one small museum exhibiting the Khufu ship, also called as the "solar barge" of Khufu. This vessel taken in 1200 cedar pieces was found in 1954 undisturbed since it was sealed into a pit, where this building is constructed. It measures 43.6 m long and 5.9 m wide, and is one of the oldest intact ship from antiquity. Visitors can see the restored Khufu ship there as wells as some photographs with the small description of the excavation and the restoration.

The exhibition wasn't particularly interesting. It is probably because the main purpose of this museum is to protect the excavating site from sand storm. The vessel didn't look like genuine as it was restored perfectly, but in other words, it showed that most pieces had remained undisturbed and the restoring work was remarkable. I was amazed by these facts rather than the restored ship. And it was also nice place to keep out the strong sunlight and the dusty wind.

For your information, there are many local operators offering tourists camel ride. You can even ride horses and donkeys. I wasn't interested in such attractions at all, but I thought cool that the policemen who guard the pyramid complex were riding camels.


このピラミッドはエジプト古王国時代、第4王朝のファラオであるクフ(Khufu)の墓として建造され、紀元前2560年頃に完成したといわれています。完成当時は146.5 mありましたが、現在は頂上部分が欠落したため 138.7 mの高さになっています。





大ピラミッドの南側には「太陽の船」と呼ばれるクフ王の船を展示する博物館があります。1200個の杉の木片に分かれていたこの船は、現在はこの博物館が建てられている場所にあった穴に封じられていたため、手つかずのまま1954年に見つかりました。全長約43.6 m、高さ5.9 mで、損傷を受けていないものとしては最も古い船の一つです。ここでは修復されたクフ王の船を、その発掘や修復作業の様子を伝える写真や解説と一緒に見ることができます。




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