The Citadel of Qaitbay (カイトベイ要塞)

In the morning of the 2nd day in Alexandria, I visited the end of the Eastern Harbour. My friend and I caught a so-called mini bus at the middle of the street along the coast. It was a share-ride van rather than a public bus. A passenger catches the van which seems to go to where they go and pay the fee after getting on. It sounds very inconvenient for tourists, but actually, it wasn't harder than a bus or a taxi in Cairo. I mean, it was like a share-ride taxi in a rural city. The driver and other local passenger saw that we were obviously foreigners as soon as we got on the van and told them our destination, so that the driver stopped where we should get off and probably (I don't understand a few Arabic, but I'm sure), he and other passengers told us how to get there when we left. That is, they were very kind.

Where we went was the Citadel of Qaitbay located at the mouth of the Eastern Harbour. The name derived from the Mameluke Sultan Al-Ashraf Sayf al-Din Qa'it Bay, who established this fortress in 1477. Although it was built for the defense against Turks, it was cared after the Ottoman Turks had conquered Egypt and kept in good condition by the end of the 18th century. It was restored several times because it was abandoned or partly destroyed, and it has been the Maritime Museum.

I didn't know anything about the architecture except it stands where the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria mentioned as one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World had built. I had been interested in this point, actually. The Lighthouse was constructed in the 3 century BC by Ptolemy I Soter. It was also called as Pharos of Alexandria because it stood on a Pharos Island, a small island just off the Eastern Harbour. It is really fascinating to see written in Wikipedia that the origin of the word 'lighthouse' in Greek and many Romance languages is its name.

It was damaged by the earthquakes, and finally destroyed in the 14th century. As far as I saw the pictures of the ancient lighthouse in museums in Alexandria, it was about 130 m-tall stone building with 3 stages, the lower was squared, the middle was octagonal, ant the top was circular. However, visitors of the citadel won't able to see what it used be since the building is completely different from the ancient lighthouse.

But I found the citadel itself was very interesting. The original design in the 15th century still remained in spite of several restorations. It was more beautiful than I simply imagined from the word 'fortress' as I didn't know anything about the architecture. I found later that the Sultan Qa'it Bay was renowned for his architectural patronage, and the citadel in Alexandria is one of major edifices that he constructed.

It was beautiful day. The sky was so blue, so as the sea. Sea breeze from the Mediterranean was cool and pleasant. Local people were doing some fishing along the coast and some were swimming in the sea. I looked very peaceful and I felt more comfortable than being in Cairo.

アレキサンドリア滞在二日目の朝、東港(Eastern Harbour)の端まで足をのばしてみました。私達はミニバスと呼ばれる乗物を海岸沿いの通りでつかまえて目的地に向かいました。この乗り物は公共バス、というよりも相乗りのヴァンで、乗客は目的地と同じ方向に行くと見られるヴァンを止めて、乗り込んでから運転手に運賃を払うというシステムの公共交通です。


この時の私達の行先は、東港の口にあるカイトベイ要塞(Citadel of Qaitbay)。名前は1477年にこの要塞を建てたマムルーク朝のスルタン、アシュラフ・カーイトバーイ(Al-Ashraf Sayf al-Din Qa'it Bay)から来ています。トルコの攻撃を防ぐために作られたのですが、エジプトがオスマン帝国に攻略された後も、トルコ人はこの要塞を大切に扱い、18世紀末まで良い状態で残されていました。その後放置され、攻撃により破壊されたために何度か改修されることとなり、現在では軍事博物館となっています。

要塞の建てられている場所に、古代で世界の七不思議の一つと称されたアレキサンドリアの大灯台があったということ以外はこの要塞のことは良く知らなくて、ここに来たのも、ただその灯台を偲ぶためだけのためでした。灯台はプトレマイオス1世によって紀元前3世紀に建てられました。大灯台はアレキサンドリアのファロス(Pharos of Alexandria)とも呼ばれますが、これは港の端にある小さな島、ファロス島(Pharos Island)に建てられていたためです。ウィキペディアの英語版でギリシア語やロマンス諸語の「灯台」を意味する言葉の語源がここにあると聞いて、凄く面白いなぁ、と思いました。

灯台は何度か地震の被害を受け、14世紀に崩壊したそうです。(私がその前日に)アレキサンドリアにある博物館で見た、当時の灯台を描いた絵によれば、およそ130 mほどの石造りの建物で、基礎部分が四角、中間部分が八角形、上部が円形という三層構造になっていたようです。現在のそこにある要塞とは全く構造が異なるので、残念ながらこの場所を訪れてもその面影を見ることはできません。




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