The Cairo Citadel (カイロ・シタデル)
The Citadel in Cairo is a medieval Islamic fortification built by the first Ayyubid Sultan Salah al-Din (Saladin). It is located on the Muqattam hill which overlooks the city and what is more, this place is cooler than other place in Cairo because of cool breeze. Between 1176 and 1183, Saladin fortified the area in order to protect there from the Crusaders and since then, it remained the heart of Egyptian government until the 19th century even though the dynasties and the rulers changed many times.
The view from the Citadel was certainly magnificent. Even though it was cloudy day when I visited there, or even thought the smog and dust covered the city, it gave me the overview and I even saw pyramids in the Giza Necropolis from the Citadel.
The Mosque of Mohammed Ali is the most popular attraction in this fortress. This Ottoman-style mosque was built by Muhammad Ali Pasha, the father of modern Egypt, between 1830 and 1848 on the summit of the Citadel. It was constructed in a square plan and measured 41 meters on each side. The central dome is 21 meters in diameter and the height of the building is 52 meters. It was really beautiful because a chandelier which consists of the hundreds of lamps was hanged from the ceiling.
The Citadel has other tourist attractions such as another mosques and museums. In addition, a show of Sufi Dancing, which is also called as Sufi whirling originally a physical active meditation by Sufis (people who believe a one of the mystical dimension of Islam), is held there a few times in a week and people see it for free. I visit there again for seeing this show, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to see it very well. A number of tourists came to see the show and I couldn't find any front seat. I should have been there little earlier.
カイロにあるシタデルは中世のイスラム教の城塞で、アイユーブ朝の創始者であるスルタン、サラーフッディーン(Salah al-Din, サラディン(Saladin)とも呼ばれます)によって建てられました。町を見渡せるムカッタムの丘(Muqattam hill)の上にあり、ここには涼しい風が吹くためにカイロ市内の他の場所よりも幾分涼しいということです。サラディンは1176年から1183年にかけて、十字軍からこの地を守るために城壁を構築しますが、それから19世紀までの間、王朝や統治者が変わろうともこのシタデルはエジプト統治の要として存在し続けました。
この城壁内での一番の見物をムハンマド・アリ・モスク(Mosque of Mohammed Ali)です。このオスマン様式のモスクは、1830年から1848年の間に、近代エジプトの基礎を築いたムハンマド・アリー・パシャによって、シタデルの最も高い所に建てられました。モスクは一辺が41 mの正方形の土地に建てられています。中央のドームは直径21 mで建物の高さは52 mです。たくさんのランプでできたシャンデリアが天井から下がっていて、とてもきれいでした。
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