Pompey's Pillar (ポンペイの柱)
There are several attractions where tourists are able to remind of ancient Alexandria, and Pompey's Pillar is one of them situated not far from the Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa. I went there as it was on our way from the catacombs to the station.
Pompey's Pillar is a Corinthian triumphal column built in 297 AD, commemorating the victory of Roman emperor Diocletian over a revolt in Alexandria. It was mistakenly believed that the ruin associated with Pompey as he was murdered in Alexandria in 48 AD. That is why the column was named as Pompey's Pillar.
It is a 20.45 meters-high column made of Aswan granite. It stands on a hill where Diocletian built a Serepeum; a temple dedicated Serapis (about which I described in a former post). Yet, Christians destroyed the temple in the end of the 4th century, and now, what remain in this area are the column and a statue of sphinx. Yet I thought the view from the hill was interesting. It wasn't beautiful, but I saw the way they live in current Alexandria.
The way from this ruin to the station, there are a number of shops and many local people walked around. While I was walking I smelled fragrant flavour of bread in front of a bakery, saw variety of colourful textiles near the cloths stores. People looked at me very curiously, which was uncomfortable, but they were basically very friendly. A pretty girl walked side by side with me talking to me something in Arabic. Some kindly told me the way to the station in Arabic, little English and in nonverbal way when I nearly lost.
The city of Alexandria eased my anxiety that I had felt since I arrived at Egypt.
古代アレキサンドリアの窺い知ることのできる遺跡は街の中にいくつかありますが、そのうちの一つ、ポンペイの柱(Pompey’s Pillar)はコム・エルシュカーファのカタコンベから比較的近くにあります。駅へ行く道筋にあったので、私も入ってみました。
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