narrow alleys in Old Cairo (オールド・カイロの路地裏)
When I slipped to an alley from the main street facing the metro station, a maze of narrow pavement stretched in front of me. Stalls of jewelleries, paintings and icons were there, and the stallholders were waiting for tourists hanging around Old Cairo. The paths were so tangled that I couldn't see where exactly I was. It was quite mysterious and exotic, yet I would have lost my way if I hadn't followed other tourist visiting Old Cairo.
Smaller Coptic churches were built at undistinguished places in the narrows. They needed to be kept low profile for avoiding persecution. One of them is called the Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus (Abu Serga). It is said that the church was built during the 5th century on the spot where the Holy Family rested at the end of their journey into Egypt. Although it was rebuilt and restored constantly since medieval times, it is considered to be the oldest Christian church in Cairo. The crypt where it is believed that the Holy Family had lived was still in a church, but I couldn't go there because it was submerged under water.
I saw another Coptic church named St. Babara's Church (Sitt Barbara) as well. It is said to be originally constructed in the same period as the Church of Saints Segius and Bacchus. It was also lovely church, but it looked less attractive as it was rebuilt after it had been abandoned for a long period.
Nevertheless, the most opulence place in Coptic Cairo wasn't Christian churches, but a synagogue (a Jewish temple) located behind the Hanging Church, called the Ben Ezra Synagogue (also called as El-Geniza Synagogue). It was originally a Christian church, but Copts in Cairo sold it to the Jews in 882, in order to pay the annual taxes imposed by the Muslim rulers of the time. The name of the synagogue comes from the name of who purchased the church, Abraham Ben Ezra.
When the temple was reconstructed to the current building in 1892, a medieval genizah (a storeroom in a synagogue for worn-out Hebrew-language books and papers on religious topics) was discovered, and the collection of 280,000 Jewish manuscript fragments written from about 870 to as late as 1880 was found. This is called the Cairo Geniza and contributed the researching social and economic history in the period.
I had to pass through the security before entering the building. I was very surprised because it was the best security I had ever seen in the Egypt except the airport. I soon realised serious religious issues between that Israel and Arab countries including Egypt, but I also had mixed feeling that I saw the economical advantage of Jewish society in Egypt and Israel from the security and the well-maintained interior.
The building wasn't very large, but the decoration with geometric and floral patterns in the Turkish style was very beautiful, and was extremely gorgeous comparing to other churches in Old Cairo.
こうした小さな路地の目立たない場所にいくつかのコプト教会が佇んでいます。迫害を逃れるため、目立たないようにする必要があったためです。そのうちの一つが聖セルギウス教会(Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus, Abu Serga)です。この教会は5世紀に、聖家族がヘロデ王から逃れてエジプトにやってきた時に休息した地に建てられとされています。中世の時代から何度となく再建、修復されてきていますが、現在の建物はカイロで最も古い教会とされています。聖家族が住んでいたとされる地下室が教会内にありますが、地下水の浸水により中に入ることはできませんでした。
もう一つ、聖バルバラ教会(St. Babara's Church, Sitt Barbara)というところにも行ってきました。聖セルギウス教会とほぼ同時期に建設されたとのことです。きれいな教会ですが、再建前に長いこと放置されていたせいか古い部分をあまり留めておらず、そのせいか聖セルギウス教会よりは見劣りする感じがしました。
とはいっても、コプト教地区にありながら最も豪華な建物は、キリスト教教会ではなくユダヤ教のシナゴーグでした。ちょうどエル・ムアッラカ教会の後ろに位置するベン・エズラ・シナゴーグ(Ben Ezra Synagogue)というところです。ここはもともとキリスト教教会だったのですが、その当時のイスラム教統治者に税金を支払うためにお金を工面する必要があったコプト教徒が、882年にユダヤ人のアブラハム・ベン・エズラ(Abraham Ben Ezra)に売り渡したために、ここがシナゴーグになったそうです。
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