Greaco-Roman Museum (グレコ・ローマン博物館)
The Greaco-Roman Museum was the first place that I visited in Alexandria. As its name suggested, the main collection of the museum was the artefacts during the Hellenistic and Roman periods excavated in Alexandria and environ. That was one of what I had expected in this city.
The interior and the exhibition were more sombre than the exterior, so that I watched them shortly at the first time. I would have left there with little impression if it had started rain. Yet fortunately, rain kept us stay in there for a while, and it was enough to look around once more. At the second time, I found things are fascinating as I saw them very carefully.
I was especially interested in the Hellenistic Gods and Goddess. Isis is originally an Ancient Egyptian goddess, but her worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. The statue of Isis looked like Greek goddess and I thought Hellenistic Isis was completely different from Egyptian Isis. Serapis is his husband and invented during the Ptolemy Dynasty as the as a means to unify the Greeks and Egyptians. His appearance is like Greek god of the underworld Hades (also called Pluto), and it is identified as Egyptian god of underworld Osiris who is also the husband of Isis in Ancient Egyptian belief.
I liked Harpocrates the most because it was the cutest of all. Harpocrates is identified as Egyptian god Horus who has falcon's head. In Alexandria, he is depicted as a boy with curly hair putting his little finger in his mouth.
グレコ・ローマン博物館(Greaco-Roma Museum)はアレキサンドリアに着いて最初に向かった場所です。その名の通り主な所蔵品はアレキサンドリアおよびその周辺で発掘されたヘレニズム時代から古代ローマの考古遺物で、それはまさしく私がこの町に求めていたものの一つでした。
特にヘレニズム的な神々の意匠が私の興味を引きました。イシス(Isis)は元々古代エジプトの女神ですが、この女神崇拝はギリシア・ローマ世界で広まったそうです。 彫像はギリシア神話の女神のようで、ヘレニズムのイシスと古代エジプトのでは見かけが全く異なります。セラピス(Serapis)という神はその夫なのですが、この神様はギリシア人とエジプト人の融合のシンボルとしてプトレマイオス朝の時代に作られたものだそうです。外見はギリシア神話の冥界の神ハデス(Hades)のようで、古代エジプトで死後の世界を司るオシリス神と同一視されていました。古代エジプトでオシリスはイシスの夫でもありました。
私が一番気に入ったのはハルポクラテス(Harpocrates)。なぜならこの上なく可愛らしいから。この神はエジプトのホルス(Horus)という鷹の頭を持った神と同一視されているのですが、アレキサンドリアにおいては小指を口にくわえた、くるくる巻き毛の子供(あるいは赤ん坊) として彫刻になっています。
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