Giza Necropolis (ギザの墳墓群)
Khafre's and Menkaure's pyramid complexes are also famous in the Giza Necropolis although they are smaller than the Great Pyramid. My favourite is the Khafre's pyramid complex since I have seen it with my own eyes.
Khafre was also the Pharaoh of the fourth dynasty of Ancient Egypt, and now he is commonly accepted as the successor of Khufu's son Djedefre. The height of his pyramid is 136.4 m (originally, it was 143.5 m-high) which is little shorter than Khufu's, but it looked the tallest of three pyramids as it sits on higher bedrock. I liked the shape better than the others because it is steeper than others, and casing stones of white granite cover the top third of the pyramid.
The complex is unique in Giza Necropolis because it consists of a Valley temple including the Great Sphinx, a causeway and a mortuary temple. That is why it is the most popular for tour groups. The Great Sphinx is one of the world's largest and oldest statues, but in fact, a lot of questions about the statue still remain. I found that what it was originally called has been still unknown after I returned to Tokyo. It made me surprised at first, but I understood that it mustn't be sphinx as the idea of the creature is based on the Greek myth, which was created later than the Khafre's reign.
I was surprised at the awful condition when I saw it closely. Actually, architectures and statues in the complex are all damaged, and it was shocking to see. I read that casting stones of pyramids had removed in order to built palaces and mosques, and some parts of the Great Sphinx had been cut off several times in history. What is more, continuing erosion is more serious than anything.
The bottom line is, it is almost miracle that we can see such old architectures in the desert. I spontaneously thought so.
カフラーも第4王朝のファラオで、今では一般的にはクフの息子ジェドエフラーの後継者だと考えられています。彼のピラミッドの高さは136.4 m(建築当初は143.5 mありました)でこれはクフのものよりも少し低いのですが、高台に建てられたために最も大きく見えます。傾斜角も他よりも鋭く、白い花崗岩で作られた化粧石が頂上部分を覆っていることもあって、私はこのピラミッドを他のよりも気に入っています。
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