From Cairo to Alexandria (カイロからアレキサンドリアへ)

I moved to Alexandria on the 3rd day of the journey. Probably for tourists, the city is less popular than Luxor, but it is the Egypt's second largest city in bordering the Mediterranean.

The city was built about the 3rd century BC by Alexander the Great. Even after his death, it was ruled by Ptolemy (Ptolemy I Soter) who was one of Alexander's most trusted general and developed as the capital city of Ptolemaic Dynasty, the last dynasty of Ancient Egypt, and the centre of Hellenism.

I was really interested in the city in Hellenistic period because it is known that it used be the heart of knowledge and culture. My impression of Alexandria was based on what I learned in history class or looked up encyclopedias in a school library, and it accelerated while I was reading Alexandria: A History and A Guide written by a British novelist E.M. Forster. I found the old edition in a university library by chance (as I was a postgraduate student in a university at the time). However, I actually didn't have any idea of current appearance of the city.

We took trains to and from Alexandria. An express train ran hourly between Cairo and Alexandria, and passengers reached their destination for between 2 1/2 and 3 hours. The station which the train left called Ramses Station. This was built in 1856 in order to establish the rail link from Alexandria and to Cairo.

I still remember that there were a lot of vehicles around the station. The exterior was massive, but inside the station was like a train shed. The way we took a train was similar to European's, so that I went to a ticket office and asked to by two 1st class tickets to Alexandria (in English). But in short, there was a big difference between the 1st class and the 2nd class. Seats were enough wide for me, but I remember the inside the train somehow smelled very dusty.

From the dirty window, I saw fields, small villages and towns. Whether they are modern apartments or old cabins, many buildings looked little shabby because of sand and dust. Only laundry that every home seemed to hang out looked bright and clean.

As the Alexandria is large city, there are 2 train stations called Sidi Gabar and Misr. I assumed that business area was close to Sidi Gabar because Egyptian businessmen wearing suits got off at Sidi Gabar. Our destination was Misr, which was also the last stop.

Misr was a grand station as well as Ramses Station in Cairo. A large square was in the front, and the large number of people came and went in the square and the streets. However, the number of vehicles was apparently smaller, and I realized that the city wasn't as large as Cairo.

It looked more peaceful than Cairo, but I felt scared soon after I started to walk in the street. I still don't know why, some local people unexpectedly touched my shoulder or grabbed my arm when they walked past. I had noticed that local people were staring at me everywhere. I swear it was a fact but myt self-consciousness, and their behavior made me more nervous and uncomfortable while I was staying in Egypt. And that is why I didn't take many photos in Egypt.


町は紀元前3世紀頃にアレキサンダー大王(Alexander the Great)によって建設され、彼の死後は彼の軍で最も信頼されていた将軍プトレマイオス(プトレマイオス1世, 英語標記はPtolemy, Ptolemy I)の統治下、古代エジプトの最後の王朝であるプトレマイオス朝の首都として発展し、ヘレニズムの中心地となりました。

ヘレニズム時代のアレキサンドリアは知識と文化の中心地として知られており、それで個人的にこの町に興味がありました。私のアレキサンドリアに対する印象は、世界史のクラスや学校図書館の百科事典で学んだことが元になっていますが、行く前に偶々大学の図書館で見つけた(この頃私は大学院に行っていたので)、イギリス人作家E.M.フォースター(E.M. Forster)の『Alexandria: A History and A Guide』を読んだことでさらに増長されていました。でも現在の町の状況がどうなっているかは全く想像がつかなかったものです。

アレキサンドリアの行き帰りには列車を使いました。急行列車が1時間に1本程度の頻度でカイロ-アレキサンドリア間を運行しており、所要時間は2時間半から3時間です。カイロのラムセス駅(Ramses Station)は1856年に、この二つの都市をつなぐ路線のために作られた駅ですが、今でも人々はこの駅からアレキサンドリアに向かいます。



大都市なので、アレキサンドリアには二つの鉄道駅があり、それぞれSidi GabarMisrと言います。スーツを着たビジネスマンがSidi Gabar駅で多く降りたところを見ると、ビジネス街はこちらの駅側にあるようです。私達の行先はこの路線の終点でもあるMisr駅のほうでした。




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