Coptic Cairo (カイロのコプト教地区)
I went to Coptic Cairo after visiting the Egyptian Museum. This area is situated at the east side of the Nile and about 3-4 km south from the city central and also called as Old Cairo as it was developed earlier period before when the city was called as Cairo. So that it contains a variety of religious architectures such as old churches, mosques and a synagogue. Most notably, there are many Coptic Orthodox churches in this area.
Coptic Orthodox Church is formally known as Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. It is established by Saint Mark the evangelist in the middle of the 1st century. Now it belongs to the Oriental Orthodox family of churches, but it took a different position over Christological theology from that of the Eastern Orthodox and Western churches. It is the largest Christian church in Egypt. It is said that 5-10 % of the population are Christian, and 95.5 % of them belongs to Coptic Orthodox Church.
You will able to get there easily even if you travel alone, because a metro goes to the area. The nearest station is Mar Girgis, which was the 2nd station from El-Sayyida Zeinab station that I got off when I wandering around the Islamic Cairo. So, I took a metro from Sadat station again.
Mar Girgis was a very small station. I saw walls of an ancient fortress in front of the station. It is Roman fortress called Babylon Fortress whose name was derived from the name of city located at Coptic Cairo area. While I was approaching the wall, I saw something seemed under construction. I soon found that it was the Coptic Museum which I had been looking forward to seeing. It was really disappointing..
Yet there were many European and American tourists visiting Coptic Cairo, and I followed them and went to a Coptic church along the street.
考古学博物館に行った後は、町のコプト教地区に行きました。ナイル川の東側、町の中心部から3,4km南にある地域で、オールド・カイロ(Old Cairo)とも呼ばれます。町がカイロと呼ばれるようになる前に発展した地域だからです。そのためこの辺りには古い教会、モスクにシナゴーグなど、様々な宗教施設が点在しており、中でも特にコプト正教会の教会があることで知られています。
メトロが通っているので、個人旅行でもこの辺りには簡単に行くことができます。最寄り駅はマー・ガージス(Mar Girgis)といい、イスラム教地区に行くために私が降りたセイイーダ・ゼイナブ(El-Sayyida Zeinab)駅の二つ先の駅です。なので、今回もサダト(Sadat)駅から南へ行くメトロに乗って目的地まで向かいました。
マー・ガージスは非常に小さな駅で、駅を出るとすぐに古い要塞跡を見ることができます。これがBabylon Fortressと呼ばれるローマ時代の要塞跡です。要塞の名前は当時この辺りがバビロンと呼ばれていたことからきています。この壁に近づくにつれ、何かの施設が工事中なことがわかってきました。その建物こそが目当てにしていたコプト博物館(Coptic Museum)で、がっかりしたのは言うまでもありません。
Coptic Orthodox Church is formally known as Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. It is established by Saint Mark the evangelist in the middle of the 1st century. Now it belongs to the Oriental Orthodox family of churches, but it took a different position over Christological theology from that of the Eastern Orthodox and Western churches. It is the largest Christian church in Egypt. It is said that 5-10 % of the population are Christian, and 95.5 % of them belongs to Coptic Orthodox Church.
You will able to get there easily even if you travel alone, because a metro goes to the area. The nearest station is Mar Girgis, which was the 2nd station from El-Sayyida Zeinab station that I got off when I wandering around the Islamic Cairo. So, I took a metro from Sadat station again.
Mar Girgis was a very small station. I saw walls of an ancient fortress in front of the station. It is Roman fortress called Babylon Fortress whose name was derived from the name of city located at Coptic Cairo area. While I was approaching the wall, I saw something seemed under construction. I soon found that it was the Coptic Museum which I had been looking forward to seeing. It was really disappointing..
Yet there were many European and American tourists visiting Coptic Cairo, and I followed them and went to a Coptic church along the street.
考古学博物館に行った後は、町のコプト教地区に行きました。ナイル川の東側、町の中心部から3,4km南にある地域で、オールド・カイロ(Old Cairo)とも呼ばれます。町がカイロと呼ばれるようになる前に発展した地域だからです。そのためこの辺りには古い教会、モスクにシナゴーグなど、様々な宗教施設が点在しており、中でも特にコプト正教会の教会があることで知られています。
メトロが通っているので、個人旅行でもこの辺りには簡単に行くことができます。最寄り駅はマー・ガージス(Mar Girgis)といい、イスラム教地区に行くために私が降りたセイイーダ・ゼイナブ(El-Sayyida Zeinab)駅の二つ先の駅です。なので、今回もサダト(Sadat)駅から南へ行くメトロに乗って目的地まで向かいました。
マー・ガージスは非常に小さな駅で、駅を出るとすぐに古い要塞跡を見ることができます。これがBabylon Fortressと呼ばれるローマ時代の要塞跡です。要塞の名前は当時この辺りがバビロンと呼ばれていたことからきています。この壁に近づくにつれ、何かの施設が工事中なことがわかってきました。その建物こそが目当てにしていたコプト博物館(Coptic Museum)で、がっかりしたのは言うまでもありません。
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