Bibliotheca Alexandria (アレクサンドリア図書館)

I'm obsessed with libraries and museums, and in this travel to Egypt, Alexandria's new library was one of my biggest interests even though a guidebook mentioned it wasn't so interesting.

The current library called Bibliotheca Alexandria is a cultural centre located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in Alexandria. In the ancient world, the Library of Alexandria, which was initially organized under the reign of Ptolemy I Soter and destroyed by Romans, has been the most significant and the largest library functioned as a major center of scholarship. The new library was constructed by the Egyptian government sponsored by UNESCO in 2001 as the commemoration of the Ancient library of Alexandria.

I went there on foot after visiting the Greaco-Roman museum. I remember that I walked to the sea side for 20 minutes or so. Apparently, the library is for researchers or students having higher education, but it is opened to public if you pay a certain amount of admission fee. This complex consists of not only a huge library and several museums, but a planetarium, convention centre, a shop and a café.

I took my breath away when I entered. It was the hugest modern library I had ever seen. It was extremely modern and well-lit, and local university students were studying at a main reading room in tiers. Reference desks with staff and computers were around the desk. I saw a large number of bookshelves which still had large space for new collection. The collection in the bookshelves consists of basic reference books or periodicals written in English, French, or Arabic.

A museum in the library was also wonderful. The exhibition shows the history of Alexandria. The number of objects and materials in the Hellenistic and Roman periods was smaller than the Greaco-Roman Museum's, but it was interesting that I saw the course of city's history from many illustrations and photographs. In addition, I saw Arabic manuscripts in a museum, which was so beautiful that I realised the beauty of Arabic letters.


現在のアレクサンドリア図書館はBibliotheca Alexandria という表記になっており、地中海に面した海岸沿いに建てられた複合文化施設です。古代アレキサンドリアの図書館はプトレマイオス1世の下で形成されローマ帝国に破壊されましたが、当時としては最も重要で規模の大きな図書館で、学術の中心としても機能していました。現在の図書館は古代の図書館の記念として、エジプト政府がユネスコの援助を受けて建設に着手し、2001に年に完成したものです。






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